Page 68 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 68
Plastic waste used for laying roads Worldwide plastics recycling
in Tirupati industry worth over US$ 56
billion by 2024
Four major roads in the temple city have earned a
distinction of being the first thoroughfares built with The global plastic recycling market was valued at
plastic as one of the components in its construction. US$ 31.5 billion in 2015, and is expected to reach
US$ 56.8 billion by 2024,’ according to a new report
In addition to spreading awareness on the use of plastic by Transparency Market Research. This means that the
materials, including door-to-door campaigns, the Municipal global market is expected to progress at a compound
Corporation of Tirupati (MCT) has embarked on a project annual growth rate of 6.9% during the forecast period
to incorporate the same in road construction. The process by that year. The Asia Pacific region is expected to be
has been employed in laying of Bommagunta – Nehru Nagar dominant in the global market throughout the forecast
Road near Jyothi Theatre, TUDA Office road, Narasimha period 2016-2024. For instance, analysts anticipate
that China alone will make a contribution of over 50%
to the global plastic recycling market. Asia Pacific
has been identified as the ‘key importer’ of plastic
scrap of recycling – with China and India leading the
way. The region is ‘aggressively engaged’ in activities
such as parings and converting the plastic scrap into
recycled resins for further applications. Cheap labour
and relatively lenient governmental regulations have
kept the region at the forefront.
Theertam Road near LIC office and Korlagunta main road in Europe is also expected to show steady growth in the
Tirupati. According to MCT Commissioner V. Vinay Chand, global market due to stringent laws pertaining to the use
the step would not only address the pollution arising due of plastic in the region. ‘The region is currently recycling
to use of plastic but also reduce the road laying expenses. more than 4.4 million tons of plastic wastes ever year
“We have already commenced the segregation of waste due to ban on dumping plastic scrap in landfills,’ analysts
under wet and dry waste categories. Plastic materials state. Generally speaking, the increasing awareness
from the collected waste is converted into smaller pieces, about cutting emissions and resource efficiency will
further to be used in the mixture of tar (and stone chips),” likely boost the global plastic recycling market.
he said. Besides this, the MCT has also conducted an
awareness programme on plastic recycling for garbage
collectors/rag pickers and will be issuing identity cards
for procuring materials at collection centres, to be used
later in road construction. The officials also said that the
use of plastic would improve the quality of roads.
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