Page 64 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 64

Product NEWS

Reflective colour communications system for the converting industry

Getting a metallic sheen on a non-metallic substrate          Business Vertical at Uflex has already tried and tested this
      sounds rather uncanny, but owing to the reflective      technology which makes us confident to offer this solution
colour communication system offered by the Cylinders          to converters outside Uflex. Being a fully integrated end
Business of India’s largest multinational flexible packaging  to end flexible packaging materials and solution company
materials and solution company Uflex, this has become a       we as a principle always test our products internally and
reality. Metallic effect on non-metallic substrates can be    market them only upon being adequately satisfied with
achieved by reflective colour communication technology        the performance.
that works in combination of a Specialised Pre Press
Software and Special Laser Engraving Hardware.

                                                              Next step forward for stand-up

This effect is attained by manufacturing a special            Total, Windmöller & Hölscher and Coveris collaborated
Rotogravure Cylinder (may or may not be in place of                along the value chain from resin to final product to
a white cylinder) that uses normal transparent gold/          create a perfect stand-up pouch. Increase in the number
transparent silver inks or lacquer inks. The customised       of uses for stand-up pouches as well as the overall
software ensures that the dots are precisely distributed      increase in demand for them explains the IMPORTANCE
throughout the design so as to produce a homogeneous          of this packaging solution to brand owners and
metallic effect which shimmers better than printing           consumers.Total Lumicene
done by some of the costliest metallic inks on metallic       Supertough®, a specially
substrates/laminates. Getting the same effect through         designed metallocene
specialized metallic inks can make conversion costs hit       polyethylene resin, is
through the roof.                                             the latest evolution in
                                                              product development for
Some benefits of this technology are: Reduction of            film extrusion. It generates
Laminate Cost for End Customer, Reduced Ink GSM, No           added value with its
additional capital expenditure: Cost Effective Flexibility:   superior mechanical
This technology is adaptable for future substrates, inks      properties, downgauging
and coatings.Commenting about the special reflective          potential, excellent
colour communication technology, Mr. Ashok Chaturvedi,        bubble stability and peak output. These characteristics
Chairman & Managing Director Uflex Limited said, “With        have encouraged numerous customers and brand owners
the help of the special reflective colour communication       to adopt the Lumicene Supertough® solution for stand-
technology, we are adding immense value to the process        up pouches as a new flexible packaging option. Total,
of converting. Such progressive value addition throughout     Windmöller & Hölscher and Coveris are leaders in their
the chain eventually results in an aesthetically unique and   respective fields providing, together, the perfect solution
functionally superior packaging. The Packaging/Converting     with each collaborator dedicated to delivering their part:
                                                              the right formula for 25% downgauging potential with
                                                              Total’s new Lumicene Supertough® grade; the optimal
                                                              machine setup for highest output with Windmöller &
                                                              Hölscher’s machinery and software; and, for this project,
                                                              Coveris’ lamination and pouch making expertise.

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