Page 66 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 66
Research team develops high tech fabric - a nano-porous
Scientists at Stanford University have developed a the fabric that is transparent to infrared radiation and
material that would block the sun’s rays and also allow is opaque to wavelengths of visible light. The nano-
venting of body heat. The scientists have described the polyethylene fabric reflected 99% of visible light. In
new fabric, a nano-porous form of polyethylene, and its nature, Saharan silver ants keep themselves cool this way.
properties in the journal Science. For now, the fabric
has been tested by humans. The scientists carried out a Multifunctional thermoplastic
test in which they wrapped the high-tech fabric around a composite of buckypaper
device that imitated the response of human skin on a hot framework and Parmax
day. The temperature rose by mere 0.8 degrees Celsius.
In the case of the devices covered in cotton or commercially Two researchers from the United States have created a
available polyethylene, the temperature rose by 3.5 series of flattened-nanotube reinforced thermoplastic
composites, which have been fabricated as a function
degree and 2.9 degree. The new fabric is so cool that if a of buckypaper loading. The researchers incorporated
person would wear a shirt and hat made with it then he a Parmax polymer resin, to increase and optimise the
would feel quite good under a shady tree even during a mechanical strength of these composites. The research
hot day. MIT nanoengineer Svetlana V. Boriskina said that is a product of a commercial desire to produce materials
the fabric will pave the way for a new era of ‘personalized that are multifunctional and lightweight, which can be
cooling’. One day, the material would find its use in the incorporated into a wide range of technological and
construction of tents, buildings and vehicles. engineering applications. The researcher’s product is a
The researchers have explained that the material is able multifunctional thermoplastic composite composed of
to keep warmth at bay by scattering specific wavelengths an aligned buckypaper framework and a self-reinforcing
of light Cotton fabric provides a cool-feel, but it also traps polyphenylene resin polymer, known commercially as
body heat inside the garment. Such is not the case with Parmax. The researchers not only created the composite,
nano-porous polyethylene fabric. Majority of the heat but also optimised the internal composition to produce
that radiates off human body at normal skin temperature a composite with the most beneficial properties. After
is in the infrared portion of the light spectrum. In lab testing the mechanical strength, electrical and thermal
tests, cotton permitted only 1.5% of the longer infrared properties, alignment, volume fraction and nanotube
wavelengths to pass through. The actual need is of length, the researchers deduced the optimal buckypaper
content in the composite to be 60 ± 5 wt%. Such a
ratio was found to produce a tensile strength a Young’s
modulus of 1145 MPa and 151 GPa, respectively. The
composites produced by the researchers are lightweight,
have a high mechanical strength and outperform many
structural/reinforcement materials currently available.
The high reinforcement properties of the composite are
attributed to the strong intermolecular bonds between
the flattened nanotubes and Parmax molecules. There
is a strong network of p-p and p-CH interactions that
facilitates a good dispersion and interfacial stress
transferring- these are two mechanisms that allow for
the effective reinforcement of a composite.
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