Page 65 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 65
Reduced mass of aircraft with polymer composites
stronger than metals
Ateam of scientists from Lomonosov Moscow State One kilogram of titanium or aluminium alloy is currently
University led by Alexey V. Kepman, a leading much cheaper than the same amount of polymer
researcher, is developing structural polymer composite composite. However, according to researcher Boris
materials for production of vehicle components Bulgakov, production and maintenance of large complex
and structural elements for
the aerospace industry, where shape parts made of polymer composites is vastly cheaper.
material requirements are Cost effectiveness is derived from a significant decrease
much higher, requiring high- of labor requirements for the assembly process and a high
performance polymer composites. level of integrity of the resulting carbon fiber structures.
Scientists have published the Boris Bulgakov explains, "For instance, a wing made of
project results in the Journal of polymer composites is assembled by the junction of 10
Applied Polymer Science. These elements and a metal wing made of 100 elements. This
are made of a polymer matrix and means that construction of a metal wing costs more.
a reinforcement material (filling Moreover, strength of CFRP is six to eight times higher
agent) that remain separate than that of aluminium, and at the same time, CFRP
and distinct within the finished density is 1.5 times lower." Polymer composites are
structure. widely used for production of premium automobiles,
Formula-1 racing bolides, airplanes and spacecraft. Weight
For example, in carbon fiber decrease in airplanes results in increased fuel economy
reinforced composites (CFRP), and aircraft useful load. Thus, the production cost of
carbon fabrics are used as a polymer composites is compensated by a reduction of fuel
reinforcing agent while polyester consumption and an increase in cargo capacity.
or epoxy resins, bismaleimides, polyimides, and many
other polymers comprise the matrix. A modern airplane
- e.g. the Boeing 787 Dreamliner consists of 50% polymer
composites; a fighter aircraft like the Eurofighter consists
of 70% polymer composites. Development of high-
temperature polymer composites will replace existing
metal engine parts (for instance, low-pressure jet
compressor blades) or supersonic aircraft body elements.
Chemists have applied a new approach to molecular design
of bis-phthalonitrile monomers that are used as starting
materials for polymer matrices. They have also developed
materials with improved processing requirements
suitable for cost-effective injection methods for CFRP
manufacturing which is uncommon for most phthalonitriles
known to date. Such methods produce high-integrity CFRP
parts of complex shape with minimal junction of elements.
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