Page 63 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 63

Product NEWS

LyondellBasell introduces New PP                           ASPI SECO machines for
random copolymer for caps and                              sequential extrusion
                                                           ST BLOW MOULDING has ASPI SECO machines for
LyondellBasell has introduced Purell RP320M for use            the production of sequential extrusion engine
    in caps and closures, labware, flexible and rigid      compartment ducts. The ASPI series blow moulding
packaging of medical devices and pharmaceuticals.          machines are supplied in the SECO configuration when it
The copolymer is designed to offer good clarity and        is necessary to produce parts with two different materials
homogeneity to meet high quality requirements in           arranged in sequence. This sequential coextrusion
cast film extrusion conversion and injection moulding      utilises a parison that presents, in an alternating
                                                           manner, different physical-mechanical characteristics.
technologies. The company state that the product           In this way it
has good optical, physical and mechanical balance of       is possible
properties. Purell RP320M also exhibits low gels content,  to obtain
which is beneficial to end applications that require       manufactured
visual properties such as gloss, transparency, surface     articles with
smoothness and tear resistance. Purell RP320M can also     flexible parts
achieve excellent sealing properties and good processes    and more
for injection moulded applications, the company state.     rigid sections,
The company’s new PP grade is backed by LyondellBasell’s   thereby
Purell Service Concept for healthcare applications. The    avoiding the
service offers consistency of formulation, continuity of   time and cost
supply, single sourcing and compliance to regulatory       of assembling
requirements. Rodney Fox, marketing manager of             more
LynodellBasell’s European PP Healthcare and Caps and       components.
Closures business said: “The Purell Service Concept bases  This technology
on the specific and unique requirements of the healthcare  also reduces the product cost, compared to a single-
industry that demands continuous innovation, higher        material solution, because each of the two resins is
reliability and dedicated technical support. The new       used only in those sections where it is needed.
Purell offers a physical, mechanical and optical balance
of properties that strengthens LyondellBasell’s leading    The two new ASPI SECO machines have the same
portfolio of resins used in pharmaceutical, healthcare,    clamping unit (with maximum opening of 1,400 mm) and
medical devices, laboratory and diagnostics applications.  identical plasticization units (two 60 mm extruders),
                                                           but differ in some other characteristics: the clamping
                                                           forces are 15 and 20 tonnes respectively, and the
                                                           accumulator head capacities are 1.0 and 1.5 litres. A
                                                           peculiarity of both machines - not common on this bi-
                                                           material typology - is the possibility to reach a process
                                                           temperature in excess of 350 ° C. This characteristic
                                                           makes them suitable for processing not only any
                                                           technical resin available today for blow moulded engine
                                                           compartment parts, but also new plastic materials that
                                                           could be developed in the coming years for applications
                                                           at even higher temperatures: the challenge to metallic
                                                           materials continues.

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