Page 46 - Plastics News February 2024
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         K 2025 Exhibitor Registration Open Online
             xhibitor  registration  for  K  2025,  technical parts and reinforced plastic  seldorf is not only its extensive ranges
          EThe World’s No. 1 Trade Fair for  products. K 2025 will not only be the  of  products  and  services  offered  by
          Plastics and Rubber, is now open on-  industry’s  performance  barometer  the exhibitors from all over the world
          line at The  and its global marketplace for innova-  but also the quality and variety of its
          deadline  for  reserving  exhibit  space  tions but will also provide orientation,  supporting  program  which  includes
          at K 2025 is May 31, 2024. The event  set  sustainable  economic  impulses  the official  special show organized by
          will  be  held  from  October  8  –  15,  and present forward-looking trends.   Plastics Europe and Messe Düsseldorf
          2025 at the fairgrounds in Düsseldorf,   “No  other  trade  fair  presents  as   as well as the Specials Rubber Street,
          Germany. K 2022 exhibitors can easily   many complex solutions and none is   Science  Campus  and  the  Start-up
          register for K 2025 with their existing   as  international  as  K  in  Düsseldorf.   Zone.
          log-in and make necessary changes on   Its  exhibitors  excite  experts,  users  To sign up as a K 2025 exhibitor for
          the  registration  form.  First-time  ex-  and  decision-makers  with  outstand-  individual  space  visit  www.k-online.
          hibitors  will  be  guided  step-by-step   ing quality and performance time and  com/2330.  To  exhibit  within  one  of
          through  the  online  application  pro-  again. All of this makes K the perfect  the U.S. Pavilions, contact Messe Düs-
          cess.                              platform  for  successful  international  seldorf  North  America,  Telephone:
          A special feature at K 2025 will again  business and the No. 1 meeting point  (312)  781-5180;  E-mail:  aduering@
          be the two U.S. Pavilions, organized  for the global plastics and rubber sec-,  and  visit  www.k-online.
          by Messe Düsseldorf North America  tors,” said Erhard Wienkamp, Manag-  com and
          (MDNA) and supported by the PLAS-  ing Director of Messe Düsseldorf.   For  hotel  and  travel  information,
          TICS Industry Association. The pavil-  K  2025  in  Düsseldorf  will  address  contact TTI Travel, Inc. at (866) 674-
          ion  turnkey  rental  package  includes   the mega themes climate protection,  3476;  Fax:  (212)  674-3477;  E-mail:
          a fully furnished booth, access to an   digitalization  and  circular  economy.;
          attractive lounge area and the on-site   K 2022 already succeeded in setting
          service  of  a  project  manager,  host-  strong signals in these areas by pre-  K  Basics:  In  1952,  K  was  held  by
          esses  and  interpreters.  All  technical   senting sustainable solutions that will   Messe  Düsseldorf  for  the  first  time
          work, set up and dismantling is includ-  be  taken  to  the  next  level  in  2025.   and takes place in a 3-year cycle. The
          ed. Please contact Messe Düsseldorf   Exhibitors  at  the  upcoming  K  will   latest K in 2022 registered 3,020 ex-
          North America at (312) 781-5180 to   showcase further innovations for the   hibitors from 59 countries occupying
          reserve exhibit space within the U.S.   responsible and value-driven handling   177,516  sqm  net  exhibition  space
          Pavilions.                         of plastics and rubber as well as dem-  and 177,486 trade visitors, with 71%
                                                                                 from abroad. For more information:
          The ranges on display at K 2025 will  onstrate ways that allow plastics to be . For the K online
          include the segments machinery and  managed in closed-loop systems.    magazine: K-Mag.
          equipment, raw materials and auxilia-  The unique selling point of K in Düs-
          ries as well as semi-finished products,

         Registration opens for PowderMet2024 and AMPM2024

          The  Metal  Powder  Industries  Fed-  providers.                       must-attend event of the year!”
          eration  (MPIF)  has  announced  that   AMPM  focuses  on  metal  Additive  Registration  for  the  conference  is
          registration is now open for Powder-  Manufacturing and will feature indus-  now open. Delegates can choose to
          Met2024 and AMPM2024. The events   try experts presenting the latest tech-  register for the full conference pack-
          are scheduled to be held June 16-19 in   nology developments in the field.  age, which grants them access to all
          Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.     “It  is  so  important  that  we  meet  as   the  technical  sessions,  networking
          PowderMet2024 serves as a platform   an industry to share knowledge, ex-  and social events, and the exhibit hall.
          for  professionals  from  the  complete   change the latest on R&D, and to net-  This year, there’s a new two-day Daily
          Powder  Metallurgy  supply  chain,  in-  work  with  our  peers,”  stated  Mike   Light  registration  package,  aimed  at
          cluding  metal  powders,  compacting   Stucky,  MPIF  President.  “With  so   reducing  the  time  attendees  spend
          presses and sintering furnaces, as well   many new experiences being offered   away from their facilities.
          as  consulting  and  research  service   at  this  year’s  conference,  it  is  the

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