Page 50 - Plastics News February 2024
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          power  of  digitalization,  the  plastics  as  key  players  but  have  also  made  Shanghai
          and  rubber  industries  can  optimize  significant  strides  in  building  world-  China's  foreign  trade  is  experienc-
          processes,  reduce  waste,  and  re-  class  brands.  The  “Made  in  China”   ing a consistent growth in both scale
          spond swiftly to market demands, ul-  label now represents more than just   and  quality.  Chinese  enterprises  are
          timately fostering sustainable growth  affordability, it also signifies a commit-  proactively  expanding  into  overseas
          and maintaining a competitive edge in  ment to innovation and the adoption   markets, with a focus on the ASEAN
          an increasingly digitalized world.  of  high-end  technology.  Companies   countries  aligning  with  their  “going-
          CHINAPLAS  2024  will  introduce  a   in  China  are  increasingly  investing   out” strategy and the Regional Com-
          full  spectrum  of  smart  manufactur-  in  R&D,  pushing  the  boundaries  of   prehensive  Economic  Partnership
          ing  solutions  and  machinery  in  In-  technological  advancements  across   (RCEP).  In  response,  CHINAPLAS
          jection  Molding  Machinery  &  Smart   the plastics and rubber industries. By   team has spread its legs across Viet-
          Manufacturing Technology Zone with   combining  manufacturing  expertise   nam, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Japan,
          over  57,000sqm.  Renowned  global   with cutting-edge technologies, indus-  Turkey, Egypt, Mexico, Germany, Italy
          companies  like  Arburg,  Kraussmaf-  try professionals are driving industry   and Taiwan Region, to invite local as-
          fei, Demag, Wittmann, Engel, Motan,   growth,  offering  a  diverse  range  of   sociations,  enterprises  and  potential
          Kawata,  Matsui,  Fanuc,  B&R,  Sepro,   high-quality  products,  and  solidifying   buyers  to  visit  CHINAPLAS.  Exhibi-
          Beckhoff,  Staubil  and  leading  local   China's position as a global leader in   tors at CHINAPLAS shall undoubted-
          suppliers Haitian, Tederic, Borch, Yi-  these industries.              ly expect to discover and seize more
          zumi, Bole, Shini, LK, Topstar, etc. will  This year, in response to the national  new  business  opportunities  on  the
          demonstrate  how  digitalization  can  and provincial policies, the exhibition  fairground.
          enhance  efficiency,  productivity  and  will gather more than 850 enterprises   China  has  granted  visa-free  entry  to
          transformation of the industries.  which  is  recognized  as  “Profession-  citizens from France, Germany, Italy,
          Showcasing  Manufacturing  Excel-  alization,  Refinement,  Specialization   the  Netherlands,  Spain,  Malaysia,
          lence:  The  Global  Significance  of   and Innovation (PRSI)”, of which over   Thailand,  Switzerland,  Ireland  and
          “Made in China”                    250  have  been  awarded  as  a  “Little   Singapore  has  also  introduced  new
          “Made  in  China”  holds  tremendous   Giant”. The goal is to facilitate niche   measures  to  simplify  visa  processes,
          global significance in the plastics and   companies’ innovations and promote   making the trip to CHINAPLAS easier
          rubber industries, symbolizing manu-  the  initiatives  of  the  Government   and  more  convenient.  CHINAPLAS
          facturing excellence and the prowess   of  the  People's  Republic  of  China  in   2024 is ready to accommodate more
          of Chinese companies. Renowned for   strengthening the cultivation of niche   international visitors in Shanghai.
          their cost-effectiveness and industrial   companies towards “PRSI”.
          capabilities,  Chinese  manufacturers   Pre-register  Now  to  Witness  the
          have not only established themselves   Strong Comeback of CHINAPLAS to
          Reliance becomes first in India to use chemical recycling for circular polymers

             NIReliance becomes first in India  ing the circular economy in India.  future," the release stated.
          Ato use chemical recycling for cir-  Reliance shipped its first batch of IS-
          cular polymers.                    CC-Plus  certified  circular  polymers,
          Reliance  Industries  on  Friday  said  it  named  CircuRepol  (Polypropylene)
          has become the first Indian company  and CircuRelene (Polyethylene).
          to  chemically  recycle  plastic  waste-  "RIL's  commitment  to  sustainability
          based  pyrolysis  oil  into  International   is  demonstrated  through  its  innova-
          Sustainability  and  Carbon  Certifica-  tive  methods  like  chemical  recycling
          tion  (ISCC)-Plus  certified  circular   which  help  create  a  Circular  Econ-
          polymers.                          omy.  The  company  firmly  believes
          In a release, it said this innovation is a  in  finding  smart  solutions  to  reduce
          testimony  to  Reliance's  commitment  plastic  waste  and  inspire  others  to
          to reducing plastic waste and support-  join in this journey towards a greener

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