Page 49 - Plastics News February 2024
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          year, while photovoltaic power instal-  key  strategy  for  addressing  environ-  recent years, the plastics and rubber
          lation  reached  610  million  kilowatts,  mental  challenges  and  fostering  sus-  industries  have  been  making  relent-
          securing the top global ranking for the  tainable  development.  It  is  of  great  less efforts to facilitate the transition
          8th consecutive year. The production  prominence  in  the  plastics  and  rub-  to  a  circular  economy.  Raw  material
          and sales of new energy vehicles have  ber  industries,  which  have  tradition-  and  machinery  suppliers  have  been
          ranked first in the world for the 8th  ally  been  associated  with  significant  continuously  introducing  new  tech-
          consecutive year. China’s first home-  waste  generation  and  environmental  nologies for biodegradable materials,
          grown passenger jet C919 and large  impact, revolutionizing their approach  recycling,  and  sustainable  solutions.
          cruise  ship  Adora  Magic  City  have  to production and consumption with  In response to the various needs and
          marked their commercial operations.  transformative  solutions  to  drive  interests  of  the  industries,  CHINAP-
          These  developments  signal  a  posi-  sustainability  by  promoting  resource  LAS 2024 will gather innovative green
          tive  outlook  for  market  demand  for   efficiency,  waste  reduction,  and  re-  solutions  across  3  theme  zones,  in-
          plastics  and  rubber  in  China,  gener-  cycling.  It  encourages  the  adoption  cluding  Recycled  Plastics  Zone,  Bio-
          ating  substantial  needs  for  high-per-  of innovative technologies for plastic  plastics Zone and Recycling Technol-
          formance plastics materials and tech-  and rubber recycling to produce high  ogy Zone. Leading material suppliers
          nology  throughout  the  country.  This   quality  recycled  plastics,  creating  a  and recycling equipment manufactur-
          shifting  landscape  has  magnified  the   closed-loop  system  that  maximizes  ers including Veolia, Faurecia, ALBA,
          importance of embracing the circular   the  value  of  materials,  enhancing  a  Esun,  NatureWorks,  Erema,  Star-
          economy, digitalization and the signifi-                               linger,  NGR,  Zerma,  Sorema,  Seso-
          cance of “Innovated in China”.                                         tec, Avian, Tomra, Jwell will showcase
          As a flagship event of plastics and rub-                               their solutions to support the indus-
          ber  industries,  CHINAPLAS  2024                                      try’s  sustainable  development  goals.
          will make full use of all 15 exhibition                                Global stakeholders will be invited to
          halls,  providing  over  380,000  square                               discuss latest plastic recycling trends
          meters of exhibition area and gather-                                  and share insights in circular economy
          ing more than 4,000 industrial leaders                                 in the5thEdition Plastics Recycling and
          from all over the world. CHINAPLAS                                     Circular  Economy  Conference  and
          continues to drive the growth and de-  CHINAPLAS  2024  will  introduce  a   Showcase  which  will  take  place  on
                                             full spectrum of smart manufacturing   April 22 in Shanghai.
                                             solutions  and  machinery  in  Injection   Unleashing the Potential of Digitaliza-
                                             Molding Machinery & Smart Manufac-  tion in the Digital Era
                                             turing Technology Zone.             Digitalization  plays  a  pivotal  role  in
                                                                                 transforming  the  industries,  unlock-
                                             more sustainable and circular future.  ing  new  possibilities  and  driving  in-
                                             CHINAPLAS  2024  will  introduce  a   novation in the digital era. Introducing
                                             full spectrum of smart manufacturing   smart  manufacturing  brings  numer-
                                             solutions  and  machinery  in  Injection   ous benefits, including enhanced op-
                                             Molding Machinery & Smart Manufac-  erational efficiency, improved product
                                             turing Technology Zone.             quality, and streamlined supply chain
          velopment of the plastics and rubber  Promoting  the  concept  of  circular  management.  From  smart  manufac-
          industries with a full range of innova-  economy  remains  an  internationally  turing and automation to data analyt-
          tive  materials  and  mechanical  tech-  recognized imperative and a key pil-  ics  and  IoT  integration,  digitalization
          nologies that are both advanced and  lar of China’s economic development  enables  real-time  monitoring,  data-
          cost-effective.                    strategy to achieve sustainable devel-  driven  decision-making,  and  predic-
          Putting  Spotlight  on  Circular  Econo-  opment of the industry. Prominent en-  tive maintenance. It also facilitates the
          my and Driving Sustainability      terprises and companies in the world  adoption  of  advanced  manufacturing
          Circular  economy  has  gained  im-  have committed to promote recycling  techniques such as additive manufac-
          mense  importance  worldwide  as  a   and  circular  utilization  of  plastics.  In  turing and robotics. By harnessing the

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