Page 47 - Plastics News February 2024
P. 47


          Circularix And Republic Services Collaborate To Advance Circular
          Economy With Recycled PET Supply Agreement
             os  Angeles  CA  /PRNewswire/  -  generated  PET  waste  transformed  as  a  whole.  By  collaborating  to  ad-
          LCircularix, a pioneering manufac-  back into food grade recycled PET for  vance the circularity of recycled PET,
          turer in the recycled plastics industry,  domestic use.                Circularix  and  Republic  Services  are
          today announced a supply agreement   Leon  Farahnik,  CEO  of  Circularix,   driving  positive  change  and  environ-
          with  Republic  Services,  a  leader  in   expressed  his  enthusiasm  for  the   mental progress.
          the  environmental  services  industry,   agreement.  "We  are  committed  to  About  Circularix:  Circularix  is  com-
          aimed at advancing the circularity of   sustainable practices and are excited  mitted to providing a technologically
          recycled  PET  (Polyethylene  Tereph-  to collaborate with Republic Services  advanced, and economically viable al-
          thalate).  This  agreement  represents   to  accelerate  the  buildup  of  domes-  ternative to hydrocarbon-based virgin
          a  significant  step  toward  promoting   tic  recycling  capabilities,"  Farahnik  polymers.  Founded  by  Leon  Farah-
          sustainability and reducing the carbon   said. "This agreement aligns with our  nik, Circularix is an innovator in the
          footprint  and  environmental  impact   environmental goals and our dedica-  circular  economy  by  developing  and
          of plastics in consumer packaging and   tion to providing beverage brands and  expanding the market for food grade
          other applications.                CPG companies the material needed  recycled materials. For more informa-
          Circularix, in operation at its new Hat-  to  make  good  on  their  sustainability  tion, please visit
          field, Pa., plant with a second coming  commitments."                  About Republic Services: Republic
          online  in  1H  2024  in  Ocala,  Fl.,  has   "Through  our  Polymer  Center  net-  Services, Inc. is a leader in the envi-
          committed  to  sourcing  a  portion  of   work,  we're  helping  customers  ronmental services industry. Through
          its  post-consumer  PET  flake  from   achieve their ambitious recycled con-  its  subsidiaries,  the  Company  pro-
          Republic  Services'  Polymer  Centers.   tent  goals  by  producing  high-quality  vides customers with the most com-
          The agreement comes at a time when   recycled plastics for use in sustainable  plete  set  of  products  and  services,
          beverage brands and CPG companies   packaging," said Pete Keller, Republic  including  recycling,  solid  waste,  spe-
          are gearing up for mandates and com-  Services  vice  president  of  recycling  cial waste, hazardous waste and field
          mitments to increase use of recycled   and  sustainability.  "Our  agreement  services.  Republic's  industry-leading
          materials.                         with  Circularix  will  promote  true  commitments  to  advance  circular-
          Both  companies  are  dedicated  to  plastics  circularity,  enabling  a  PET  ity  and  support  decarbonization  are
          the principles of a circular economy,  bottle to be recycled into a new PET  helping deliver on its vision to partner
          ensuring  that  materials  are  continu-  bottle."                     with customers to create a more sus-
          ally recycled and reused, reducing the   This  agreement  represents  a  proac-  tainable world. For more information,
          need for new resources and minimiz-  tive response to the growing demand   please visit
          ing waste. The agreement represents   for  sustainable  packaging  solutions
          true  circularity,  with  domestically   and sets an example for the industry

          More cost-effective solutions to global customers
          D   emo production of ice cream cups by PAC280K3 high-speed injection molding machine
              The Arab Plast is held every two years by AL FAJER. It is the Middle East's largest trade show for the plastics and
          rubber industries, providing global-leading companies with opportunities for communication and business cooperation.
          At the YIZUMI stand, not only various plastic products were on display, but the PAC280K3 high-speed injection molding
          machine was also running on-site to produce ice cream cups, attracting many visitors for in-depth communication with
          YIZUMI staff.
          Considering the individualization trend and high production efficiency of thin-wall containers, the YIZUMI PAC-K3
          series high-speed injection molding machines are suitable for molding multi-cavity thin-wall packaging products, with
          advantages of high rigidity, high injection rate, high precision, etc.

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