Page 48 - Plastics News February 2024
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tries, such as disposable packaging, tar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman,
IML food packaging, medical packag- Egypt, and Sudan, which provide
ing, and disposable consumables. strong support for its local market ex-
With the expansion of global layouts pansion and customer service.
and business operations, China's In the future, YIZUMI will continue
manufacturers have begun to build to invest resources in developing its
production bases abroad. Due to support capability and mechanism to
their substantial market demand and meet global customers' demand for
geographical advantages, Arab States high-quality services and create more
have become major locations for Chi- value for global customers.
na's manufacturers and supply chains
The PAC280K3 high-speed injec- to develop overseas.
tion molding machine features an in- YIZUMI is dedicated to provid-
creased maximum system pressure ing more cost-effective solutions to
by more than 10%, reaching 19MPa. global customers while adhering to
Also, its overall mold clamping rigid- its tagline of "Think Tech Forward"
ity is enhanced by more than 25%, and comprehensively improving its
making it suitable for the molding of global customer service capabilities.
thin-wall and deep-cavity products. It YIZUMI now has service networks in
has brought stable and high-speed so- Arab States, such as Saudi Arabia, Qa-
lutions for thin-wall products in indus-
Shaping the future of the plastics and rubber industries
mentum. At the same time, China's tions to enfold the accelerated indus-
manufacturing industry is undergoing trial transformation, enhancing new
a remarkable transformation, shifting advantages and new momentum for
from its traditional "Made in China" high quality industrial development.
reputation to embracing innovation Keep Abreast of the Industrial Trans-
with the concept of “Innovated in formation
China”, gaining competitive advantage The new generation of information
in the global market. technology, new energy, bio manu-
CHINAPLAS 2024 provides an excel- facturing, commercial aerospace, and
CHINAPLAS 2024 provides an excel- lent platform for buyers who are pur- low-altitude economy are rapidly de-
lent platform for buyers who are pur- suing innovative plastics and rubber veloping in China. The export perfor-
suing innovative plastics and rubber solutions to enfold the accelerated mance of China's “new three”– solar
solutions to enfold the accelerated industrial transformation. panels, lithium-ion batteries, and elec-
industrial transformation. CHINAPLAS 2024, the region’s fore- tric vehicles is particularly impressive.
The year 2023 marked a turning point most platform to promote latest China’s high-tech industries enjoy a
for China as doors reopened, reveal- market trends, breakthrough tech- growth and experience breakthrough
ing a multitude of opportunities and nologies and innovative solutions of in recent years. In 2023, the capac-
pathways. Under the resumption of plastics and rubber industries, will be ity of renewable energy facilities has
normalcy, the economy grew at a rate staged at the National Exhibition and exceeded 1.45 billion kilowatts and
of 5.2% in 2023, according to the Na- Convention Center (NECC) in Hong- has surpassed coal power for the
tional Bureau of Statistics of China. As qiao, Shanghai, China, from April first time. Among these, wind power
the economy recovers, sectors such 23-26, 2024. It provides an excellent installation reached 440 million kilo-
as automotive, consumer electronics, platform for buyers who are pursuing watts, maintaining its position as the
and e-commerce have regained mo- innovative plastics and rubber solu- world leader for the 13th consecutive
50 PLASTICS NEWS February 2024