Page 28 - Plastics News February 2025
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Life Cycle Assessments digitalized:
boosting transparaency
♦ Covestro finishes digitalization of product- Group Innovation and Sustainability. Digitaliza-
specific life cycle assessments (LCA) tion is also the basis for data sharing along the
value chain.
♦ Annual update of environmental data for
approx. 50,000 finished products available Covestro calculated LCA data for products
within the second half of 2025
Covestro determines the specific product car-
♦ Methodology for calculation certified by bon footprint and further environmental impact
TÜV Rheinland categories for its products. Covestro will provide
its customers with LCA data on the products in
igitalization is a major driver to improve sale, thereby contributing to emissions assess-
sustainability and achieve full circular- ments and potential subsequent emissions re-
Dity. Covestro is focusing on more data- ductions on the customers’ side.
centric business management to achieve digital
transformation and to offer its customers trans- With this milestone achieved, Covestro demon-
parency for its products. strates its willingness to walk towards full circu-
larity and climate neutrality by improving data
The climate impact of Covestro in the manufac- accuracy. Raw material impact data are col-
ture of its products can be assessed using the lected directly from suppliers or are taken from
product carbon footprint from cradle to gate, external databases, while other input data, such
which can now be calculated automatically for as energy consumption and waste, are sourced
about 50,000 finished products. The method- from company Enterprise Resource Planning
ology for the automated calculation of life cy- systems, such as SAP. In addition to the carbon
cle assessment (LCA) of Covestro including the footprint, Covestro offers five other environmen-
product carbon footprint (PCF) is certified by tal impact categories that the company consid-
TÜV Rheinland. It complies with relevant ISO ers to be key, amongst others the acidification-
standards and Together for Sustainability (TfS).
or photochemical ozone creation potential.
“Digitalization enables us to gather and process “We announced in Summer 2023 that we started
larger data sets automated, while reflecting the process. Within this year, we will have data
timely changes at our production sites. No more for the around 50,000 products, based on our
manual Excel lists and manual calculations. This present product portfolio. They will be updated
increases efficiency and makes annual data up- annually from now on. This means we are going
dates easier. Only through digitalization we can beyond the current market standard and dem-
access and analyze real data efficiently enough,” onstrating our leadership in driving this topic for-
says Dr. Torsten Heinemann, Global Head of
ward” says Heinemann.
28 PLASTICS NEWS February 2025