Page 46 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 46
Are biodegradable bioplastics
meeting their promise?
Biodegradable bioplastics
Bioplastics come in a variety of forms, some of
which are designed as direct replacements for
conventional plastics such as polypropylene
(PP), polyethylene (PE), and polyethylene tere-
phthalate (PET). These “drop-in” bioplastics can
be used directly in existing manufacturing pro-
cesses with minimal adjustments, which makes
them appealing to industries looking for seam-
less transitions to more sustainable materials.
ioplastics are gaining significant attention The main advantage of these bioplastics is their
as sustainable alternatives to petrochem- ability to integrate into the current plastic infra-
Bical-based plastics. Derived from renew- structure while offering reduced environmental
able, biobased feedstocks, these materials are impacts due to their biobased origin.
seen as a key solution in the fight against envi-
ronmental degradation caused by conventional On the other hand, there are bioplastics such as
plastics. polylactic acid (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoates
(PHAs) that are not as easily interchangeable
As the world grapples with plastic waste, which with traditional plastics. These materials often
is set to double by 2050, recycling alone cannot require modifications or blending with other
meet the growing demand for plastic feedstocks. polymers to improve their properties for specific
This is where bioplastics come into play, offer- applications. For instance, PLA has lower heat
ing a potential solution to reduce dependency resistance compared to petrochemical-based
on fossil fuels and minimise the environmental plastics, limiting its use in high-temperature
footprint. Some of these bioplastics can be con- applications. Similarly, PHAs exhibit different
sidered as biodegradable. How is this property mechanical properties that restrict their use in
being utilised, and can biodegradable bioplastics industries accustomed to the strength and flex-
meet their promise? ibility of conventional plastics. In most cases, bi-
oplastics like PLA and PHAs are combined with
In IDTechEx’s latest market research report on
the topic, “Bioplastics 2025-2035: Technology, copolymers to enhance their mechanical perfor-
Market, Players, and Forecasts”, the full spec- mance, durability, and versatility. However, it is
trum of plastics derived from biobased feed- the property of biodegradability that has gar-
stocks, including biodegradable plastics, such nered a lot of attention, offering a solution to
as poly-lactic acids (PLAs) and polyhydroxyal- the plastic waste problem: easy disposal.
kanoates (PHAs).
46 PLASTICS NEWS January 2025