Page 42 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 42


          3.  Shift to Local Production                             and services to each of the market niches in
                                                                    question. For instance, in economies where-
          The import of plastics is not cheap for the de-           by agriculture is more dominant, then heavy
          veloping nations as explained below. This has             emphasis on plastic usage for purposes of
          resulted in increase of local manufacturing fa-           watering and covering produce.
          cilities. Establishing production facilities in such
          area make it cheaper and will make local con-         2.   Invest in R&D: Come up with new products
          sumers and governments have a positive dispo-             for future markets and in areas such as pro-
          sition towards the companies.                             duction of sustainable and lightweight auto-
          Challenges and How to Overcome Them
                                                                3.   Partner with Local Businesses: Partnerships
          The prospects for success are very high, but the          could therefore be particularly useful in an
          erratic process of breaking through to new mar-           assessment of the regulatory environment
          kets is hardly unrealistic. Here are some com-            and in developing the necessary credentials
          mon hurdles and strategies to address them:               in the community.

          1.  Infrastructure Gaps                               4.   Leverage Digital Marketing: The materials
                                                                    and campaigns featuring plastics shall be
          Infrastructure  in  many  developing  countries  is       educative in a bid to help consumers under-
          not adequate to support efficiency during the             stand its use and other stakeholders recog-
          production and distribution process. The current          nize its value.
          research show that companies can design effec-
          tive supply chain and logistics networks in coop-     5.   Focus on Education:  Be  familiar with  the
          eration with national governments and regional            suitable ways of disposing of plastics and
          partners.                                                 recycling  them so as  to meet environmen-
                                                                    tal needs as well as fostering for future busi-
          2.  Regulatory Compliance
          Every country has its laws concerning produc-         The Road Ahead
          tion and consumption of plastic materials. If
          these regulations are to be updated and the or-       This is evident in the increase of the plastics’
          ganization practices environmental friendly ap-       industry rate among emerging economies. It
          proaches then it can operate well.                    therefore becomes clear that enthusiasm re-
                                                                sultant from market comprehension, challenge-
          3.  Environmental Concerns                            solving, and sustainability can unleash unlimited
                                                                potential from these regions. The secret is in in-
          People tend to frown on plastics because of the
          pollution they cause. Recycling programmes and        vention, cooperation, and business orientation
          use of environmentally friendly raw materials are     on consumer and eco benefits.
          some of the ways through alleviating these ap-        Conclusion
          prehensions and enhance organizational image.
                                                                Opportunities and challenges associated with
          Strategies for Success                                plastics in developing economy emerging mar-

          1.   Understand Local Needs: Adaptate good            kets are discussed. The planning of quite some

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