Page 44 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 44
Torsten Lüders, Managing Director of DB Car- of the Management Board of Product and In-
go BTT GmbH, points out: “At DB Cargo BTT, novation at Selena Group added: “Today, sus-
we also rely on working with external partners tainable business no longer means having to
across all modes of transport in order to arrange compromise between efficiency and quality. In
traction or first and last mile services as efficient- Selena Group we are constantly increasing our
ly as possible for our customers. For Covestro, commitment to the development of sustainable
we have recently transported essential chemi- construction. We carefully follow trends and
cal products to Poland and we’re now happy to changes in the world around us. We are con-
combine our rail expertise with bio-fuel-driven stantly working on minimizing our environmen-
trucks for the first and last mile. This collabo- tal impact and rational resource management.
ration exemplifies our commitment to enabling That’s why we are delighted to have Covestro
more sustainable supply chains and supporting and DB Cargo BTT at our side as strong partners
the transformation of the chemical industry. Pro- who share our commitment to reducing emis-
jects like these demonstrate how we, as part of sions and achieving climate neutrality targets in
the DB Cargo group, offer our customers a sig- Europe and worldwide.”
nificant degree of added value and are an es-
sential part of European supply chains.” Selena Group and Covestro are already collabo-
rating in multiple ways to advance the circular
The collaboration is designed to be flexibly economy. For instance, they are developing
scaled in the future to accommodate growing polyurethane (PU) foams for improved thermal
business needs. It also sends an important signal insulation in buildings which are based on MDI
to customers of Covestro, such as the Polish Se- of the Desmodur CQ product range. It is ISCC
lena Group, a global manufacturer of construc- Plus-certified, using plant-based raw materials
tion chemicals and materials, who benefit from through mass balancing. As a result, these prod-
the delivery of MDI with a lower carbon footprint, ucts have a lower carbon footprint compared
as it helps to reduce their Scope 3 emissions. to those derived from fossil raw materials—and
now, thanks to the transport solution, they will
Bernd Hennig, Head of Trading Cluster MDI at also be delivered to Selena in a more sustainable
Covestro remarked: “Together with Selena way.
Group, we are committed to advancing sus-
tainable solutions across the entire value chain, Source - COVESTRO
offering our valued customers not only more
sustainable materials but also sustainable trans-
portation solutions.” Michal Specjalski, Member
44 PLASTICS NEWS January 2025