Page 43 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 43
measures and pro-active approaches will not new age companies will be able to transform the
only help firms reap good returns but also as- direction of the plastics industry.
sist in the socio-economic development of these Source – Plastics Technology
areas. Thus, as the world raises the stakes in the
drive towards a sustainable future, only brave
Covestro partners with logistics expert DB
Cargo BTT for more sustainable chemicals transport to Poland
value chain must be involved to achieve our joint
goal of climate neutrality by 2050. Reliable, effi-
cient and sustainable logistics for our ever more
sustainable products are integral to this effort.
We collaborate with our customers and trans-
port companies to optimize the supply chain.
This includes improving load capacity, selecting
the best transport modes and routes, and in-
troducing using sustainable and future-oriented
energy sources like green electricity or HVO to
♦ Reduction of CO emissions by at least 70% replace fossil fuels.”
compared to conventional transportation
methods 1 As part of the collaboration, DB Cargo BTT pro-
vides Covestro with an end-to-end transport
♦ Long-term customer Selena benefits from solution that combines several sustainable ap-
sustainable transport proaches: First, the chemicals are transported
in tank containers from the production sites of
♦ Covestro aims to become climate neutral by
2050 Covestro in Germany to a nearby railway termi-
nal using bio-fuel (HVO 100)-driven trucks. The
ovestro, a global leader in polymer pro- tank containers are then transported to a distri-
duction, collaborates with logistics expert bution center in Poland via rail, keeping trucks off
CDB Cargo BTT for a more efficient and the road and saving respective emissions. From
sustainable transport of chemicals to and within there, bio-fuel (HVO 100)-driven trucks are again
Poland. In particular the transport of methylene deployed to distribute the chemicals to end cus-
diphenyl isocyanate (MDI), a chemical raw mate- tomers in Poland to ensure on-time delivery. This
rial used in a variety of polyurethane materials particular bio-fuel is one of the most sustainable
like the thermal insulation of buildings and refrig- alternatives to fossil diesel. Altogether, the com-
erators, shall benefit. bination of these modes of transport saves at
least 70% of CO2 emissions compared to con-
Hanno Bruemmer, Head of Supply Chain and ventional road transport methods.
Logistics EMLA at Covestro, stated: “The entire
January 2025 PLASTICS NEWS 43