Page 47 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 47


          Biodegradability is in demand                         wood flour, and cotton. By incorporating these
                                                                fibres into the polymer matrix during the resin
          Biodegradable bioplastics have seen increased         extrusion process, manufacturers can enhance
          interest, particularly for single-use applications    the strength and durability of the resulting ma-
          like packaging. With the growing global aware-        terial, making it suitable for a wider range of ap-
          ness of plastic pollution, there is a growing de-     plications. These materials improve the mechani-
          mand for materials that can decompose under           cal properties of the polymers while keeping the
          natural  conditions.  Biodegradable  bioplastics,     bioplastic biodegradable.
          such as PLA and PHA, have become popular
          choices in this regard. They can break down into      However, this process is not without its challeng-
          organic components like water, carbon dioxide,        es. High extrusion temperatures can degrade the
          and biomass, thereby reducing the environmen-         natural fibres, which affects the overall quality of
          tal impact of plastic waste. This demand has          the bio-composites. At the same time, ensuring
          been driven by a range of new legislation crack-      adequate mixing of the fibres and the polymer
          ing down on single-use plastic. China, for exam-      is critical to achieving consistent material prop-
          ple, has exempted biodegradable bioplastics           erties. To address these challenges, companies
          from their ban on single-use plastic, suggesting      like Farrell Pomini have been developing new
          that end-of-life issues of these materials are not    resin  extruders  specifically  designed  to  handle
          the same as other plastics.                           biocomposites. These extruders are capable
                                                                of maintaining the integrity of the natural fibres
          However, the picture is less clear. To biodegrade     during processing while ensuring even distribu-
          well, these bioplastics need certain conditions in    tion throughout the polymer matrix.
          their environment. If they end up in a landfill in
          an anaerobic environment, they will not degrade       Biocomposites  are  versatile  and  their  material
          at all. Generally, these plastics are designed to     properties can be controlled by adjusting the
          be composted in industrial composting environ-        proportion of filler material and biopolymers.
          ments, although some are home compostable             Their suitability for performance applications has
          depending on the polymer composition and for-         not yet been fully explored. One of the proper-
          mat. Consumers are often left unclear about the       ties of these materials that can be enhanced is
          potential impact of improper disposal of these        their biodegradability. Biodegradability is affect-
          items. With the very limited global capacity of in-   ed by the density of biobased filler, the pres-
          dustrial compositing, it is likely that the potential   ence of which can speed up the breakdown of
          advantages of biodegradability will not be fully      thicker and more bulky plastic applications such
          realised.                                             as cutlery.

          Bio-composites aim to overcome bioplastics            Overall, the gap between the promise and de-
          limitations                                           livery of biodegradable bioplastics is still signifi-
                                                                cant. However, alongside the development of
          One of the ways the industry is addressing the        better infrastructure for composting these ma-
          limitations of bioplastics is through the develop-    terials, innovations such as biobased composites
          ment of bioplastic bio-composites. These ma-          may produce materials better suited to over-
          terials combine bioplastics with biobased fillers,    come these challenges.
          such as natural fibres derived from wood pulp,

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