Page 52 - Plastics News July 2024
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          Driving Sustainability: A Case Study in

          Environmental Impact Reduction

               case study of a plastic casing product, con-    The  research  highlights  the  potential  for  signifi-
               ducted by the plastic injection moulding spe-   cant improvements in the design and assessment
          A cialist Paramit in Malaysia showcased the ef-      of existing plastic products. The integration of Lean
          ficacy of integrating Lean and Life Cycle Assessment  manufacturing  techniques  and  Life  Cycle  Assess-
          (LCA) techniques.                                    ment (LCA) has proven highly effective in reducing
                                                               the environmental impacts of the injection mould-
          By applying Lean methods alongside LCA, research-    ing process.
          ers achieved a 40% reduction in negative environ-
          mental impacts, including climate change, human  Future  work  should  quantify  the  cost  benefits  of
          toxicity,  and  acidification.  Moreover,  key  improve-  reducing environmental impact while exploring ad-
          ments included a 90% reduction in production lead  vanced methods like three-stage Data Envelopment
          time, a 40% decrease in material usage, a 41% re-    Analysis (DEA). Additionally, adopting these integrat-
          duction in energy consumption, and a 32.3% cut  ed techniques can help manufacturers achieve sub-
          in  transportation  requirements.  This  integrated  stantial cost savings and comply with environmental
          approach provides a robust framework for making  regulations. Furthermore, these efforts will contrib-
          products more environmentally friendly.              ute to global sustainability initiatives and improve
                                                               energy-intensive injection molding processes.
          To  read  more  about  this  case  of  study:  Journal  of
          Cleaner Production and Paramit Manufacturing.                                Source – Plastics Engineering

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