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          ing their recycling behavior for the better following  plan focusing on recyclable materials.
          EGLE’s 2019 launch of its “Know It Before You Throw
          It” recycling education campaign.                    “Now that Part 115 has been updated, we will see all
                                                               Michigan counties begin to plan for the first time in
          In 2008, the Michigan Recycling Coalition began a  25 years for materials management,” O’Brien said. “I
          concerted effort to educate and to provide a vision  think we’ll see more advancement, more conversa-
          about how the state’s recycling system could grow,  tion, more opportunities and more recognition that
          identifying  ongoing  funding  as  the  key,  O’Brien  these services that need to be paid for will be paid
          said.  Once  then-Gov.  Rick  Snyder  came  on  board  for.
          with that vision, she said, he saw the opportunities
          and helped the organization spearhead an effort to   Michigan is at the start of its recycling journey, and
          move funding through the legislature.                needs much more investment for a full transition
                                                               into a circular economy, she said.
          “Parallel to that effort, he recognized that the state
          agency needed to facilitate industry  leaders with   “Recycling has been around for years and years,
          a conversation around how Michigan’s solid waste     but it’s really been since 2018 that Michigan has in-
          laws could be more inclusive of productive materials   vested in a meaningful and ongoing way, and we’re
          management,” she added.                              seeing progress with that investment,” O’Brien said.
                                                               “If we’re going to put more use back into that mate-
          Looking ahead                                        rial, it’s going to require more investment. Statewide

          In 2022, an update to the state’s solid waste law,   leadership  is  important  but  all  of  this  work  really
          known as Part 115 of the Natural Resources and En-   does happen at the community level.”
          vironmental Protection Act, became law.                                       Source – Resource Recycling

          Included in the package of bills was a mandate for
          counties to implement a materials management

          Plastics Recycling Conference 2024:

          Charting a course in plastic recycling

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