Page 72 - Plastics News July 2024
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          enhanced sensitivity, biocompatibility, and environ-  of plastics is evolving rapidly. These innovations not
          mental responsiveness. These advancements could  only address current challenges in material perfor-
          lead to the development of intelligent materials that  mance and environmental impact but also open up
          revolutionize various sectors, from healthcare to in-  new possibilities for industries seeking to push the
          frastructure and beyond.                             boundaries of what is possible with plastics.

          Conclusion                                           As research and development efforts continue to ex-

          The field of plastics technology is at a transforma-  pand, the future of plastics technology looks prom-
          tive stage, driven by innovation, sustainability goals,   ising, with potential applications across diverse sec-
          and technological advancements. From advanced        tors and a growing emphasis on sustainability and
          composites and biodegradable plastics to additive    efficiency.  By  embracing  these  innovations,  indus-
          manufacturing and smart materials, the landscape     tries can not only enhance product performance

          Automation for Plastics Processors Is

          on the Move at Muller Technology

                                                               sor production because they automote more than
                                                               basic transportation of goods. The MoMa can pick
                                                               up items from shelves, assemble components, and
                                                               place delicate objects. The top is designed to car-
                                                               ry empty or full boxes or pallets, so the MoMa can
                                                               perform  repetitive  assembly  processes,  then  take
                                                               goods to a warehouse or truck.

                                                               For plastics processors, Muller serves as a single
                                                               source of comprehensive automation from the
                                                               mold to case packers and end-of-line logistics.

          Custom mobile robotic systems from factory auto-     Muller  is  a  partner  of  AMR  manufacturer  Omron,
          mation supplier Muller Technology will be launched   and as an Omron Certified Systems Integrator builds
          at NPE2024 in Orlando, FL, from May 6 to 10.         AMRs and MoMas into turnkey automation opera-
                                                               tions at its facilities in Colorado and Switzerland.
          Muller’s new Mobile Manipulators (MoMas) and Au-
          tonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) elevate traditional    "As  the  manufacturing  landscape  continues  to
          downstream automation with the ability to run 24/7   evolve, Muller Technology remains at the forefront
          while reducing OSHA recordable events, the com-      of innovation, providing cutting-edge solutions to
          pany said.                                           address the industry's most pressing challenges,"
                                                               said Group CEO Carsten Eisenkrämer. "With our lat-
          The MoMa combines the functions of an AMR and  est product line and service offerings, we are em-
          a cobot, with a vision-based  end-of-arm tool. Mo-   powering plastics manufacturers to unlock new lev-
          Mas can operate in cleanrooms for microproces-       els of efficiency, productivity, and profitability."

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