Page 77 - Plastics News July 2024
P. 77


          PET Regulation and Future Opportunities              In the case of new market opportunities, first mov-
                                                               ers must weigh risk and reward, raise capital, and
          Incentives can be either carrots or sticks. As stated   take the plunge. When regulations and market op-
          at  the  outset,  California  recently  enacted  AB793,   portunities align, the likelihood of a profitable out-
          which establishes minimum recycled content re-       come increases. In California, a 21st-century “plas-
          quirements for plastic (PET) beverage containers.    tics rush” seems to be underway.
          The European Union will soon introduce a program                             Source – Plastics Engineering
          charging  companies  €0.80/kg  for  non-recycled
          plastics. Starting in 2022, the United Kingdom will
          charge  firms  £0.20/kg  for  plastic  packaging  that
          contains less than 30 percent recycled content.

          MXene Hydrogels: A Plastics Industry


                                                               proved mechanical strength, electrical conductivity,
                                                               and versatile functionalities.
                                                               Fundamentals of MXene Hydrogels

                                                               MXenes exhibit a unique combination of hydrophi-
                                                               licity, metallic conductivity, and high aspect ratio
                                                               morphology. These characteristics make them ideal
                                                               for forming stable and functional hydrogels. The
                                                               gelation mechanisms of MXene hydrogels involve
                                                               complex interactions at the nanoscale, which re-
                                                               quire precise engineering to optimize their proper-
                                                               ties. MXene hydrogels consist of three-dimensional
                                                               (3D)  networks  that  combine  the  benefits  of  both
                                                               hydrogels and MXenes, resulting in materials with
                                                               enhanced performance and stability.
                                                               Types of Synthesis

                                                               The synthesis of these types of materials typically be-
                                                               gins with the production of MXene nanosheets. Ini-
                                                               tially, this process involves selectively etching the “A”
          MXene hydrogels are emerging as innovative mate-     layers from parent MAX phases using fluoride-con-
          rials with promising applications across various in-  taining  etching  methods.  Subsequently,  research-
          dustries, including conductive plastic materials and  ers delaminate the resulting MXene nanosheets to
          packaging.                                           form  single—or  few-layered  structures.  Next,  they
                                                               incorporate MXenes into hydrogels using various
          MXenes are two-dimensional (2D) transition metal     synthesis techniques, including vacuum-assisted fil-
          carbides,  nitrides,  or  carbonitrides  with  unique   tration, interaction with graphene oxide (GO), and
          properties that enhance the performance of hydro-    crosslinkers like polymers or metal ions. Ultimately,
          gels. By integrating MXenes into hydrogel systems,   these methods form stable 3D structures essential
          researchers have developed materials with im-        for the gelation process.

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