Page 73 - Plastics News July 2024
P. 73


          Peak Performance Compounding develops

          micro-pellet technology

               Due to equipment constraints and small-part
               configurations,  manufacturing  plastic  com-
               ponents that are small in size often results in
               dispersion concerns and processing challeng-
               es. To mitigate these potential issues, PEAK
               Performance Compounding (PEAK) has devel-       tive additives, and lubricants. Because the pellets
               oped the ability to produce high-quality micro-  are smaller and more easily dispersed, the result
               pellets that aid in the manufacturing of micro-  is a more homogenous blend after additives and
               sized products for a wide variety of industries   colours are introduced. With larger granules, some-
               and applications.                               times the consistency can be compromised, leading
                                                               to colour inconsistencies and filler pockets on the
                                                               surface of the part, resulting in costly rejection lev-
                                                               PEAK  has  been  involved  in  several  design-of-ex-
                  anufacturers of micro-parts often struggle   periments with injection moulders and extrusion
                  with colour dispersion, additive dispersion,   processors to confirm the success of these micro-
          Mand  product  consistency,  due  to  the  size      pellets in a range of applications, including thin-wall
          of the equipment and the small design of the parts   medical device tubing and extra-small moulded
          being produced. Additionally, the use of extra-small   components, such as those used in electrical, con-
          extruders and micro-moulding machines often re-      sumer, and industrial products. “These micro-pellets
          sults in material feeding challenges and equipment   enable automated injection moulding and continu-
          clogs,  specifically  when  standard  pellets  (approxi-  ous extrusion, free from clogs,” reports Todd March-
          mately 3.0mm in size) are used.                      and, president of PEAK. “Customers have reported a
          PEAK  has  developed  a  proprietary  compounding    substantial increase in production yields and a sig-
          and post-blending process that produces homo-        nificant reduction in rejects due to these processing
          geneous sub-1.0mm micro-pellets to aid in feeding    improvements.”  Additional  improvements  in  filler,
          and dispersion. This proprietary process involves    additive, and colour were reported. These contrib-
          precise control over the pelletisation phase, ensur-  ute to a reduction in overall production costs and
          ing each pellet is consistently small, thereby enhanc-  manufacturing flexibility for next generation prod-
          ing  the  overall  homogeneity  of  the  final  product.   ucts.
          Unlike standard pellet production, this method in-   PEAK is continually innovating and is working to of-
          cludes additional steps in the material blending and   fer spherical, underwater micro-pelletisation in the
          screening phases to ensure uniformity in size and    future. Currently, strand cut is the primary offering,
          composition, which is crucial for small-part manu-   but customers can expect ongoing advancements
          facturing.                                           in micro-pellet technology as PEAK continues to re-

          Pellets of this size have been proven to enhance the   fine and expand its capabilities.
          quality  of  micro-sized  products  by  improving  the                     Source – Medical Plastics News
          dispersion of pigments, radiopaque fillers, conduc-

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