Page 69 - Plastics News July 2024
P. 69


          Now Even Smaller, Latest MicroTemp

          Thermolator® TCU Brings Big

          Performance to Small Molding Machines

                                                               tant standard features, including a direct-injection,
                                                               single-zone  design  that  can  heat  or  cool  water
                                                               between 40°F (4°C) and 250°F (121°C). Both units
                                                               feature compact cabinets, standard 1/3 or ½ HP
                                                               pumps, durable Incaloy 3- or 6-kW heaters, along
                                                               with adaptive maximum setpoints, PID controls,
                                                               programmable setpoint displays, a low-pressure re-
                                                               sume feature, and on-screen diagnostics.

                                                               For medical and electronics molders, the premium
                                                               MTC-T Touch unit offers a range of user-configur-
                                                               able, energy-saving process control capabilities
                                                               that can assist in production validation and trou-
                                                               bleshooting. These capabilities include auto-relief
                                                               warm-up and cooling, estimated flow display, auto
               edesigned for medical, electronics, and other  restart, low pressure auto-resume, and key perfor-
               processors  working  with  the  smallest  injec-  mance indicator (KPI) trending. Other key features
          Rtion molding machines, small precision molds,  include an automatic phase detection circuit and a
          or tight  production spaces such  as cleanrooms,  built-in pressure transducer to eliminate the need
          Conair’s latest and smallest microTemp tempera-      for external pressure-monitoring gauges.
          ture control unit (TCU) is compact enough (14.7 tall
          x 15.6 wide x 18 in deep) to tuck neatly under a small   The MTC-T Touch unit also features password-pro-
          injection-molding  machine.  Yet,  this  smallest-ever   tected  security,  mold-specific  recipe  programming
          TCU retains the power, precision, and configurability   and storage, and a range of communications fea-
          of full-sized Conair temperature control units. The   tures, including Modbus TCP and OPC-UA via Ether-
          latest entry to Conair’s renowned Thermolator® line   net and SPI via RS-485.  In addition, the MTC-T offers
          of TCUs makes its global debut at the Conair booth   plug-and-play remote monitoring and control, with
          (W2113) at NPE 2024, May 6-9 in Orlando.             KPI trending, using Conair’s SmartServices cloud-
                                                               based monitoring and measurement platform.
          The new microTemp TCUs are available in two control
          styles. The MTC-B (Basic) is equipped with a 4-inch   The  Conair  Group  (  offers
          LCD display, while the premium MTC-T or “Touch”      innovative auxiliary equipment solutions to plastics
          model features a 4-inch color touchscreen HMI        processors around the world. With 32 degreed en-
          that includes Conair’s easy-to-use common control    gineers,  including  16  senior  team  members  with
          interface. The common control interface simplifies   an average of over 23 years of experience, Conair
          training,  thanks  to  contextual  help  screens,  and   brings  unparalleled  technical  expertise  and  sup-
          links directly to SmartServices, Conair’s cloud-based   port to its customers, guaranteeing its products will
          Industry 4.0 platform for auxiliary equipment moni-  deliver maximum productive uptime. Twenty parts
          toring, management, and control.                     and service team members respond to tens of thou-
                                                               sands of calls each year, answering in an average
          Both the Basic and Touch models share impor-         of about 15 seconds. Over 450 individual products

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