Page 60 - Plastics News June 2024
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          World Bank Supports Chennai’s Sustainable Waste Management


                  he  Greater  Chennai  Corpo-  World Bank’s Role and Study      The main goal of these changes is to
                  ration (GCC), with help from   It is planned that the World Bank will   create a circular economy that has less
                  the  World  Bank,  wants  to   improve  the  city’s  solid  waste  man-  of an effect on the world and uses few-
                  improve the way it handles   agement  methods over the next 20   er  resources.  The  project  also  looks
          trash so that it can set up a system   years, not just in Chennai but all over   at administrative problems, like hiring
          that will last until 2026 or 2027. These   the state. A big part of this project is a   levels, that get in the way of good city
          attempts  are mostly about stopping   full study that will look at how garbage   management in all 15 zones of Chen-
          people from throwing trash at Kodun-  is currently handled and come up with   nai. GCC wants to improve general civ-
          gaiyur, which is a big dump in the city.                               ic response and efficiency by tackling
                                             ideas for how the city’s waste manage-
          Strategic Meetings and Goals       ment policies could be improved.    these  basic  problems.  This  will  help
                                                                                 make waste management even better.
          A  recent  meeting  between  the  World  Implementation  of  Recycling  and  Overall, these joint efforts by the World
          Bank,  the  GCC,  and  state  officials  Waste Reduction Strategies    Bank and Greater Chennai Corporation
          ended  with  a  detailed  talk  of  how  to   After the study is over, the GCC will put   show that they are serious about turn-
          make  solid  waste  management  more   in place a number of new rules that will   ing Chennai into a model of environ-
          strategic.  Setting Zero Waste as the   aim to boost recycling and cut down on   mentally friendly trash management.
          main goal and finally stopping the use   waste sent to landfills. Some of these
          of another major dumpsite, Perungudi,   are changes to the law that the Chennai          Source - GKTODAY
          after the success at Kodungaiyur is the   Corporation Council should pass soon.
          main goal.

          Canon enters plastics sorting sector

                  apanese  multinational Can-  tain molecular information of the sub-  to effectively sort all the pieces regard-
                  on has become a manu-      stance,  thereby enabling the material  less of their colours at recycling plants.
                  facturer  of plastic  sorting  detection.                      By combining Raman spectroscopy
                  equipment using material   Market entry                        with  Canon’s  measurement  and  con-
          identification technology.                                             trol equipment, the company has de-
                                             ‘With the launch of this product, Canon
          The company is now accepting orders   marks its entry into the recycling sys-  veloped a technology which scans la-
          from the market for its TR Series which   tem market in an aim to build a circular   ser  light  toward  the  pieces,  ensuring
          has been kicked off by the TR-S1510.                                   sufficient measurement time for each
                                             economy by maximising material recy-
          The  new  product  employs  a  propri-  cling,’ says a news release.   piece of plastic regardless of its colour.
          etary  tracking  Raman  spectroscopic   However, due to the limited amount of   The product maintains a conveyor
          method to sort plastic pieces regard-  reflection by black plastic pieces, the   speed of 1.5 metres  per second and
          less of their colours, including black.   measurement time is too long relative   can sort up to one tonne of plastic per
          Raman  spectroscopy  utilises laser   to the speed and throughput required   hour.
          light to illuminate plastic pieces to ob-

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