Page 58 - Plastics News June 2024
P. 58


          Dow launches new grades with up to 100% recycled content

          The new Revoloop recycled grades for shrink film applications will be
          introduced at PRSE
                                                                                 verters and recyclers to design new
                                                                                 ways to use less plastic in packaging
                                                                                 and to help that what is used is fully
                                                                                 recyclable,” said Fabrice Digonnet,
                                                                                 plastics mechanical recycling strat-
                                                                                 egy leader EMEA, Dow Packaging
                                                                                 & Specialty Plastics. “Our Revoloop
                                                                                 launch is an exciting evolution in
                                                                                 our recycling story and enables us
                                                                                 to achieve new circularity and low-
                                                                                 carbon targets,” he added.
                                                                                 Both grades are approved for non-
                                                                                 food contact packaging applications.
                                                                                 Dow has partnered with Germany-
                                                                                 based shrink film manufacturer RKW
                                                                                 Group to develop collation shrink
                                                                                 films made with the recycled poly-

                                                                                 “By integrating Revoloop 100% PCR
                                                                                 and Revoloop containing recycled
                                                                                 plastics household waste with virgin
                                                                                 materials, we create a flexible packag-
                  Dow has added two new      100% and 85% post-consumer recy-    ing solution that meets the require-
                  grades to its Revoloop port-  cled derived from household waste.   ments for mechanical recyclability,
                  folio of recycled resins.  Up until now, Dow’s Revoloop portfo-  ensuring compatibility with existing
                  The US-based chemicals     lio included grades with a maximum   recycling processes and contributing
          company is launching the new LDPE   of 70% recycled content.           to the transition towards a circular
          grades at the Plastics Recycling Show   “With the launch of our new grades of   economy,” said Konrad Noniewicz,
          Europe (PRSE), happening next week   Revoloop recycled plastics resins, we   director R&D & application engineer-
          in Amsterdam.                      continue to expand our sustainability   ing at RKW Group.
          For the first time, the grades include   portfolio, working with brands, con-  Source :- Sustainable plastics

          New ghost gear recycling partnership in the Nordic countries

                 host gear pollution is a huge  that injure and kill marine life.  gear into new products. The plant has
                 problem and a major contribu-  An estimated 640,000 tonnes of ghost   an annual capacity  of 6,000 tones of
                 tor to the ocean plastics crisis   gear enters the ocean every year, and   polypropylene  (PP) and high-density
                 in every major body of water   now constitutes some 10% of the plas-  polyethylene (HDPE), saving almost
          in  the  world.  Ghost  gear,  which  in-  tic waste in the oceans.    10,000 tones  of CO2 emissions per
          cludes the tangles of discarded or lost                                year. Healix’s branded line of recycled
          ropes and fishing nets found washed  Since 2022, Maastricht-based Healix  polymers, called Healix, includes PP
          up on reefs or drifting in the open sea,  has  been  operating  a  recycling  facil-  pellets made of baler twine, maritime
          forms hazardous, nearly invisible traps  ity that processes and recycles ghost  ropes, and big bags, as well as HDPE

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