Page 59 - Plastics News June 2024
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             Marine plastic recyclers Healix and Oceanize want to transform the recycling landscape for mari-
             time ropes used in aquaculture

          pellets from fishing nets and tulip nets.  aquaculture  into Healix’s proprietary  challenges.
          The company has recently received   grade of PP pellets, called XPP-MR.  "Joining  forces  with  Oceanize  repre-
          funding from  the  Dutch  province  of  Oceanize  will  exclusively  market  and  sents a very significant moment in our
          Limburg,  LIOF,  to  continue  its  work.  sell  Healix  XPP-MR  in  Norway,  Swe-  quest  to create a sustainable future
          It  has  also  partnered  with  Coca-Cola  den, and Finland, with Healix covering  for  plastic  fibre  waste,”  said  Marcel
          Netherlands to produce recycled drink  the rest of Europe.             Alberts, CEO of Healix. “By combining
          crates from discarded tulip nets.                                      our technologies and expertise, we can
                                             Aquaculture has a long tradition in the
          Now,  Healix  has  announced  a  new  Nordic  countries.  Norway,  for  exam-  significantly amplify our impact, keep-
          contract  manufacturing  partnership  ple, produces more than half of the   ing  plastics  within  the  economy  and
          with Oceanize. The Norway-based ma-  farmed salmon in the world. Aquacul-  out of our oceans,” he concluded.
          rine plastic recycler will start process-  ture's contribution to ghost gear pol-  Source :- Sustainable plastics
          ing and recycling maritime ropes from  lution is one of its major sustainability

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