Page 48 - Plastics News May 2024
P. 48


          SABIC showcasing progress in sustainable plastic innovation at


          SABIC is highlighting at NPE 2024 a range of solutions that demonstrate the value of plastics for a more sus-
          tainable future.

                  nder the theme “Collaborat-  play in our booth and it would not have  The topic of sustainability is woven
                  ing to  Create  the  Future,”  been possible without the ingenuity of  throughout SABIC’s booth, empha-
                  the company is presenting  our people and teams and the focus we  sises SABIC’s commitment to becom-
                  solutions that  are available  have had on collaborating with value  ing carbon neutral by 2050, including
         today and others that are on their way  chain partners who share our passion  its goal of a 20% reduction in absolute
         to broader adoption. This includes ex-  for creating a brighter future. We are so  greenhouse emissions (Scope 1 and 2)
         amples  of  the  company’s  work  with  thrilled to be with everyone in Orlando  by 2030. Outside of its booth, SABIC
         manufacturers  and  others  across  the  and use this time to invite more pur-  is participating in NPE’s new Sustain-
         value  chain on  circular  plastic  solu-  pose-driven, like-minded innovators to  ability Hub. Open to all registered at-
         tions available under its TRUCIRCLE  join forces with us to drive meaningful  tendees,  this  exhibit  area  shows  the
         programme and new approaches with  change and transformation.”          many steps the plastics industry is tak-
         plastics under its BLUEHERO initiative   Examples  of SABIC’s developments   ing toward enhancing its  sustainable
         that can help in the shift to electrifica-  in plastics  and its collaborations are   footprint. SABIC will be part of the Ma-
         tion.                                                                   terials section, providing an additional
                                             evident  across  spaces  in the booth
         “Since the last NPE in 2018, SABIC has  covering the spectrum  of the follow-  touch point for visitors to learn more
         taken giant strides forward in creating  ing industries. Within each of those   about its offering of circular products
         pathways for plastics to make valued  areas, visitors can see end-use appli-  and services.
         contributions toward resolving critical  cations produced with polymers from  SABIC’s primary booth space with its
         global challenges and driving circular-  the company’s TRUCIRCLE and port-  diversity of exhibited solutions speaks
         ity,” Sami Al-Osaimi, executive vice  folio  of  solutions  –  certified  circular,  to the company’s broad plastics port-
         president, Polymers, SABIC, said. “The  renewable  and  mechanically  recycled  folio, from its highly engineered ther-
         progress that we have made is on dis-  content and closed-loop solutions.  moplastics to its polyolefin-based ma-

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