Page 51 - Plastics News May 2024
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          Key Highlights:                    lows a deeper glimpse into numerous  Pivotal for the high efficiency of Her-
                                             key components and their functions.  bold granulators are both the rotor
          •           operion and Herbold                                        concept and the cutting geometry, in-
                      Meckesheim  will  pre-  Moreover, rotors from Herbold granu-  dividually adapted for the task and the
                      sent  product  and pro-  lators will be on display in different de-  input material. Granulators from Her-
                      cess  solutions that  signs for various applications. The ro-
             make the recycling of plastics  tor concept with the cutting geometry   bold Meckesheim work with true dou-
             markedly  more  efficient  at  IFAT  is a decisive reason for the outstand-  ble cross cutting action: not only the
             2024.                           ing efficiency of the granulators from   rotor knives are mounted at an inclined
                                                                                 angle, even the stator knives are cre-
          •   The efforts of both companies will                                 ating a clean cut with a constant gap
             be evident at the IFAT booth in a   Plastics  recycling  plants  from  a   across the entire knife width. The end
             virtual PET recycling plant that   single source                    product is a regrind with very good flow
             both companies have created.                                        characteristics,  low  fines  percentage,
                                             Along  with individual components,
          •   Since their merger, both compa-
             nies have  continued  to develop   Coperion and  Herbold Meckesheim
                                             now build entire systems for plastics
             their technologies for individual   recycling.  From  mechanical  process-
             process steps so that entire sys-
             tems excel in operation with high   ing – size reduction, washing, sepa-
             efficiency.                     rating, drying and agglomerating of
                                             plastics – to bulk material handling as
          Coperion and Herbold Meckesheim will  well as feeding and extrusion all the
          present  innovative product  and pro-  way to compounding and pelletising,
          cess solutions that make the recycling  such  plants  cover  the  entire plastics
          of plastics markedly more efficient and  recycling process chain. Since their
          increase the product quality achieved.  merger, both companies have contin-
          The  added  value  from  the  merger  of   ued to develop and optimally attune
          Herbold Meckesheim, specialist in me-  their technologies for individual pro-
          chanical recycling of plastics and plas-  cess steps so that entire systems excel
          tic waste, and Coperion, expert in ma-  in operation with very high efficiency.
          terial handling, feeding, extrusion and  Coperion and  Herbold Meckesheim
          compounding, is evident at the booth  realise  solutions for mechanical re-
          in a  virtual  PET recycling  plant  that  cycling of post-industrial and post-
          both companies have created. This vir-  consumer  waste, chemical  recycling,
          tual plant presents one of the complete  solvent-based recycling, and deodori-  and high bulk density. Three different
          solutions for plastics recycling that Co-  sation, tailored to the type of plastic   rotor types from Herbold Meckesheim
          perion, together with Herbold Mecke-  being processed.                 will be available to view at the booth as
          sheim, is now making available from                                    examples.
          a single source. It demonstrates  the  The right rotor geometry for every         Source – interplas Insights
          entire process and at the same time al-  application

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