Page 44 - Plastics News May 2024
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         ple exceptions in the form of bilateral  the only U.S.-to-Malaysia scrap plastic  classified. But it also could theoretical-
         agreements between the U.S. and Can-  shipments  that  would be allowed are  ly include clean loads of polypropylene
         ada and the U.S. and Mexico, allowing  loads consisting of “almost exclusive-  or ABS, which would be allowed under
         for mixed plastic trade between those  ly” one polymer, meaning sorted loads  Basel, so it’s unclear how much of that
         countries.  Those  arrangements  sug-  with virtually no contamination.  21% is in compliance with or in viola-
         gest why Canada and Mexico are by far   Of  the  25.0 million pounds of scrap   tion of Basel rules.
         the largest trading partners for scrap   plastic  the  U.S. shipped to Malaysia  The U.S. EPA has a detailed breakdown
         plastic these days.                 in the first quarter of 2024, 49% was  of how the Basel rules for scrap plastic

         But the exports to Malaysia, for exam-  classified  as  polyethylene,  28%  was  apply to U.S. exporters, and the U.S.
         ple, raise questions.               classified as PET, and 2% was classi-  Department of State maintains a list of
                                             fied as PVC.                        the U.S. bilateral agreements that su-
         The U.S. and Malaysia do not have a
         bilateral agreement that allows for U.S.  The remaining 21% were classified as   persede Basel.
         exports of Basel-covered material into  “other” plastics, a catch-all category   Source – Resource Recycling
         Malaysia. So,  under Basel language,  that is typically how mixed plastics are

          What Role Does Bioplastics Certification Play in Promoting Sus-


                                                                                 cal role in promoting sustainability
                                                                                 through several key aspects. Firstly,
                                                                                 certification  processes  involve  thor-
                                                                                 ough environmental  impact  assess-
                                                                                 ments that evaluate the entire lifecycle
                                                                                 of  bioplastics,  starting  from  raw ma-
                                                                                 terial sourcing to disposal. This scru-
                                                                                 tiny ensures that bioplastics maintain
                                                                                 a  minimal ecological  footprint,  con-
                                                                                 tributing positively to environmental
                                                                                 conservation  efforts.  Secondly, certi-
                                                                                 fication  instills  consumer  confidence
                                                                                 by providing  a seal of approval for
                                                                                 certified bioplastics. This seal signifies
                                                                                 that the products meet stringent eco-
                                                                                 friendly criteria, thereby fostering trust
                                                                                 and confidence among consumers re-
                                                                                 garding their environmental attributes.

                                                                                 Thirdly,  certification  is  often  a  pre-
                  Introduction:              tion. Certification plays a crucial role in   requisite  for  market  access  in many
                                             verifying their eco-credentials and pro-
                  Bioplastics  have  emerged                                     industries and markets. Mandated cer-
                  as  a promising alternative   moting  sustainable practices. In  this   tification opens doors to wider market
                  to traditional plastics,  of-  article, we delve into the significance   acceptance and opportunities, driving
          fering eco-friendly solutions to reduce   of  bioplastics  certification  in  driving   the adoption of sustainable practices in
          environmental impact. However, en-  environmental sustainability.      manufacturing and consumption.
          suring the sustainability of bioplastics  Why Bioplastics Certification Matters?  Moreover,  certifications  ensure  regu-
          requires more than just their produc-  Bioplastics  certification  plays  a  criti-  latory compliance, ensuring that  bio-

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