Page 50 - Plastics News May 2024
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          to be the market’s  fastest  system,  bio-based materials in plastics manu-  of plastics pollution. At Husky we take
          HyPET®6e achieves the ideal balance  facturing.                        that obligation seriously and are com-
          between high throughputs and quality   New  application  design  and  devel-  mitted  to  transitioning  our  industry
          without compromise. Husky is running   opment innovations involving light-  from a linear to circular economy. At
          a HyPET®HPP6e system at the booth,   weighting, tethered closures, and   NPE 2024, we’re showcasing how the
          producing a lightweight 5.89 gram   introduction of a groundbreaking ad-  industry is working together and in-
          preform made from 100 percent rPET   vancement  involving closures manu-  novating to develop circular solutions
          material. The system’s  industry-lead-  factured  from  100% PET to  facilitate   that will preserve the environment for
          ing performance enables the preform   mono-material packaging that stream-  generations to come,” concluded Galt.
          to be blown into the market’s lightest,   lines the recycling process.  About Husky
          functional, industrializable bottle.
                                             The  company’s remote,  proactive  Since 1953, Husky  TechnologiesTM
          Advancing  sustainability  across  the   Advantage+Elite  monitoring solution  has been pioneering technologies that
          plastics lifecycle                 will be connected to systems running  enable the delivery of essential needs
          As a sustainability pioneer, Husky has  at the booth, monitoring in real-time.  to the global community with industry-
          been at the forefront of developing cir-  This includes a suite of intelligent, con-  leading expertise and service. A global
          cular solutions for decades, and NPE  nected solutions that use end-to-end,  leader, Husky is powered by teams of
          2024 will  mark the global debut of  closed-loop reporting to leverage data  exceptional  people in more than  40
          some of the company’s most advanced  and analytics, optimize operations,  locations with valued customers who
          sustainable technologies yet:      reduce  waste, and improve overall  operate in over 140 countries. By fo-
          At the booth Husky is running a high   equipment effectiveness,  particularly  cusing on sustainably sourced feed-
          performance  Hylectric  4.0  system   when producing packaging containing  stocks, material reuse and the exclu-
          with UltraShot injection technology to   higher percentages of recycled mate-  sive  use  of  medical-grade  polymers,
          produce a complex bioresin part. The   rial.                           Husky  continues  to be committed  to
          company  is unveiling its award-win-  “Make no mistake,  plastics pollution   enabling the circular economy now
          ning UltraMelt technology for process-  is a problem. Plastics belong in the   and into the future.
          ing bioresins – an integral part of the  economy and out of the environment.      Source – Plastics Business
          system  that  opens  new possibilities  All of us, up and down the value chain,
          for the use of alternative  renewable,  have a role to play in solving the issue

          Herbold Meckesheim and Coperion present recycling solutions at
          IFAT 2024

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