Page 49 - Plastics News May 2024
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          terials, which includes polypropylene  the growing need for self-management  SABIC’s Edison Award winning LNP
          (PP) and polyethylene (PE) – and with  of chronic diseases such as diabetes.  ELCRES CRX copolymer,  which has
          the  latter  including grades  from the  This includes new medical-grade VA-  the  chemical  resistance  capabilities
          company’s  PE plant  in San  Patricio  LOX HX325HP resin, developed for po-  needed  to enhance  the durability of
          County,  Texas, which began operat-  tential use in high-precision parts used  medical devices and equipment hous-
          ing in early 2022 as part of Gulf Coast  in insulin delivery pens, insulin pumps,  ings.
          Growth Ventures, a joint venture  of  auto-injectors and continuous glucose   Source – Medical Plastics News
          ExxonMobil and SABIC.              monitors. Also, visitors can see a sam-
                                             ple prototype application made with
          SABIC materials that can help address

         Husky Takes the Lead in Enabling the Circular Economy at


                  usky TechnologiesTM, Bol-  tion,  releases  3-5  times  the  C02 into  stands out on store shelves
                  ton, Ontario, a pioneering  the  environment  than  PET container   Enable  Resilience  by  implementing
                  technology  provider  ena-  production and critically requires 3-5   manufacturing solutions designed to
                  bling the delivery of essen-  times the blue water to produce. Fur-  help producers adapt more quickly to
         tial needs to the global  community,  thermore,  PET  production  avoids  the   continuously  changing  consumer  de-
         has returned  to exhibit at NPE 2024  unsustainable impacts of deforestation   mands, evolving legislations, and mar-
         taking  place  in Orlando,  Florida from  associated with paper composites and   ket trends
         May 6-10. Husky’s  booth, #2801 lo-  the environmental toll related to min-
         cated in the West Hall, highlights the  ing aluminum.  Materials  like  PET are  For the first time, Husky together with
         company’s latest technologies, solu-  clearly the superior choice,” said John  industry counterparts, is hosting an im-
         tions, and services designed to enable  Galt, Husky’s Chief Executive Officer.  mersive circularity experience center.
         the circular economy across the com-  Enabling the circular economy     The center demonstrates  the journey
         plete plastics lifecycle.                                               of a PET bottle through each stage of
                                             As consumer demand for more recy-   the recycling stream. From collecting,
         “The reality is that plastics are an es-  clable packaging grows and regula-  to washing, to grinding, to blowing, to
         sential part of our daily lives. Plastics   tions tighten, producers require inno-  filling, each step details how a circular
         are used to protect and preserve our   vative solutions and expert guidance to  end-to-end solution makes it possible
         food, health, and well-being. They play   stay ahead of the curve. At the show,  for a bottle to be back on store shelves
         a critical role in almost every aspect of   Husky is showcasing its range of solu-  and into consumers’ hands in as little
         life today, and in many cases provides   tions to:                      as five days.
         life essential services in the way that
         other  materials  cannot.  Materials like  Enable  Sustainability  through  tech-  Introducing  HyPET®6e  –  the  evolu-
         PET uniquely combine bio-stability, ex-  nologies developed  to produce  high  tion of sustainable molding
         ceptional performance, superior form-  quality packaging that is lighter weight,   Visitors to the Husky booth will be the
         ability, cost-effectiveness and the abil-  contains more rPET, or is made from   first to experience the global launch of
         ity to be used over and over again in  biobased materials               the company’s new HyPET®6e injec-
         ways no other material can match. PET   Enable Growth  by  streamlining the  tion molding platform.  The integra-
         is one of a very small number of mate-  adoption of world-class manufacturing  tion  of  machine,  mold,  auxiliary,  and
         rials approved for use in medical de-  processes that facilitate speed to mar-  real-time remote monitoring is setting
         vices and even for extended use inside   ket and a competitive edge     unprecedented  standards  in sustain-
         the human body. More than 70% of                                        able molding, including superior rPET
         medical consumables in use today uti-  Enable Innovation by leveraging solu-  capability,  industry-leading  energy
         lize PET and other medical grade poly-  tions developed to produce attractive,   efficiency,  and  closed-loop  quality
         mers for their production. Aluminum   safe,  and sustainable packaging that   control, while still delivering the low-
         and glass beverage container produc-  out-performs alternative materials and   est  total production cost.  Engineered

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