Page 54 - Plastics News May 2024
P. 54


          Carbios breaks ground on PET depolymerisation plant in France

          Emmanuel Macron praised the plant’s significance for France during the groundbreaking ceremony

                 arbios has broken ground  responding to complex environmental  being built offers space to double the
                 on its PET depolymerisation  challenges, offering a sustainable so-  capacity in the future.
                 plant in Longlaville,  France,  lution for a future  where  plastic and   Carbios’ enzymatic  depolymerisation
                 totted as the world’s first PET  textile waste will be transformed into   process enables the efficient and sol-
          biorecycling plant.                valuable resources for a truly circular   vent-free recycling of PET plastic and
                                             economy,” the President added.
          The occasion was marked by a cere-                                     textile  waste  into virgin - equivalent
          mony attended by over 200 guests and  This February, Carbios appointed De  products.
          has drawn praise from France’s Presi-  Smet Engineers & Contractors with en-  The total capital investment for the
          dent Emmanuel Macron.              gineering, procurement, and construc-  new plant is re-estimated to be around
          “At a time when governments are ne-  tion services for the plant, signalling it   €230 million, considering recent  im-
          gotiating an international treaty against   was moving forward with construction.  pact from inflation. Project costs will
          plastic pollution in Ottowa, the ground-  Carbios said in a statement that ‘work  be financed by the sums mobilised by
          breaking of Carbios’ biorecycling plant  is progressing on schedule’, with cus-  Indorama Ventures, the French State
          is  particularly  significant,”  Macron  tomers deliveries in ‘significant quanti-  and Grand-Est Region subsidies avail-
          said.  “It  illustrates  France's  commit-  ties’ expected in 2026.    able for the project, and by equity capi-
          ment to the ecological transition, and   The plant will be able to process about   talisation of the joint venture by Car-
          demonstrates our ability to turn chal-  50,000 tonnes of post-consumer PET   bios.
          lenges into opportunities for a more   waste per year, equivalent to 2 billion   Source – Sustainable Plastics
          sustainable future. This plant, a world   PET coloured bottles or 2.5 billion PET
          first,  embodies  French  innovation  in
                                             trays.  The plot on which the plant is

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