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         Costa Rica. Later that year it opened its  “The  most  exciting  part  of  the  find-  shredded  plastic during a waterless
         first US facility, in York, PA. It also has  ings,” reported CRDC at the time, “was  stage  that  eliminates  odors.  Next,  it
         launched a plant in Cape Town, South  an improved  bond strength  between  melts  the resulting mixture  during a
         Africa.                             the layers of the printed concrete with  heated extrusion stage that produces
                                             the addition of RESIN8. This is particu-  an inert, hybrid mineral polymer. Fi-
         Study finds RESIN8 to be viable com-
         ponent in 3D-printed concrete.      larly significant in 3D printing, where  nally, CRDC granulates the bulk RES-
                                             cohesion between layers is paramount.  IN8 material into the size, shape, and
         Last October, Stellenbosch University  The addition of RESIN8 also enhanced  gradation required by specific concrete
         in South Africa published a study fo-  the fluidity of the mix, making it more  mix designs.
         cusing on RESIN8’s performance in  manageable.”
         3D-printed concrete (3DPC). Featured                                    Independent  bodies have  tested  the
         in the Elsevier academic journal Con-  The study did note that while the mix-  material, and CRDC Global says  it
         struction  and Building Materials, the   es containing higher proportions of  has  been shown to  demonstrate  an
         article spotlights the potential of RES-  RESIN8 — up to 15% — met the es-  increase  in compression  strength,
         IN8 as a viable component for 3DPC.   sential benchmarks for construction,  flexibility,  fire  resistance,  thermal
         The  research  specifically  evaluated  a   there was a noted trade-off in terms of  resistance,  and  acoustic  properties
         RESIN8  mix  enriched  with  elements   structural strength. “The good news,”  compared  with traditional versions.
         such as fly ash and a local variety of   CRDC said, “was that all the mixes still  Concrete  applications  using  RESIN8
         sand called Malmesbury sand.        met the requisite benchmarks for con-  exceed ASTM standards, and the com-
                                             struction, cementing their potential in  pany claims that the RESIN8 additive
         University  researchers  experimented  3D-printing applications.”       is the only material from plastic waste
         with varying quantities and particle                                    to actually improve the performance of
         sizes of RESIN8 in the mix. After 3D   Thomson explains that RESIN8 can   structural concrete products and gain
         printing, they  rigorously tested these   incorporate all types of discarded plas-  acceptance  from the construction in-
         blends for strength, density, and other   tics  from industrial, municipal, and   dustry.
         essential properties.               environmental  waste  streams.  The
                                             firm shreds the mixed (and often dirty)           Source – Plastic Today
         Additive  improves  bond  strength  of  plastic waste and batches it according
         printed concrete.                   to density. It then “pre-conditions” the

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