Page 60 - Plastics News May 2024
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          AI Powers Next-Gen Plastic-Film Recycling

          Hyperspectral imaging technology uses deep-learning artificial intelligence to sort flexible packaging and
          other films rapidly and efficiently.

          At a Glance                        Metaspectral’s  technology  uses  spe-  natural environments.
                                             cialized cameras to capture hyper-
                 etaspectral  wins  $109,000   spectral  images  of  waste  plastics,   Detects packaging films and more.
                 contract  from  the  Canadian   thus detecting the materials’ chemical  “During the six-month [contract] pe-
                 government.                 signatures.  Deep learning algorithms  riod, the focus is on demonstrating the
                 Advanced  imaging, paired  then process the images, identifying  technical and scientific merit and fea-
          with AI, can identify and separate chal-  the composition of the materials at the  sibility of Metaspectral's  approach,”
          lenging flexible materials.        polymer level.                      says  Francis Doumet,  CEO and co-
                                                                                 founder of Metaspectral. The company
          Hyperspectral technology will virtually  The signatures include up to 300 spec-  “will train models to detect a variety of
          eliminate contamination in recycled  tral bands, vs. three bands with con-  kinds of thin film and assess their ac-
          films, boosting their value.       ventional computer-vision  systems.   curacy.”

          Environment Climate Change Canada   Using AI algorithms to analyze the sig-
                                             natures and identify materials enables  Doumet  adds  that  “the focus of the
          (ECCC) has  awarded  a  six-month,   fast sorting that is more accurate than  project is on challenging materials,” so
          six-figure contract to Vancouver, BC-  conventional  manual  and  automated  Metaspectral will investigate a range of
          based Metaspectral to test an artificial-                              films, including monolayer, multilayer,
          intelligence-enabled  plastic-film  sort-  sorting.                    metallized, laminated, and coextruded
          ing technology.                    According to ECCC, Canada generated   materials.
          The  CAD$150,000/$108,962  contract   about 1.4 million tons of plastic film in
                                             2019, a fraction of which — less than  The company will test films used for
          is part of the Canadian Plastics Innova-  4% — was recycled, primarily because  packaging and also films sourced from
          tion Challenge, a program focused on   of collection and sorting challenges.  medical facilities. Testing will be per-
          improving the  collection and sorting   Flexible packaging is also a pollutant,  formed  at the company’s  Vancouver
          of flexible packaging and other plastic   littering Canadian shorelines and other  facility.  During the  contract period,
          films in Canada.

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