Page 58 - Plastics News May 2024
P. 58


          Origin Materials unveils sustainable PET caps and closures

                 rigin Materials, a carbon-neg-  Origin co-founder and co-CEO John  of the PET caps and closures at a com-
                 ative materials company, has  Bissell said: “There are hundreds of  mercial scale in the fourth quarter (Q4)
                 launched a new sustainable  different  kinds  of  caps  and  closures  of 2024 using its high-throughput pro-
                 product offering, a carbonated  in container packaging. But the PCO  duction system.
         soft  drink  polyethylene  terephthalate  1881 neck finish is considered a lead-  Bissell added: “Now that we have un-
         (PET) cap.                          ing standard for carbonated soft drinks   locked the use of PET and rPET for use
                                             and  is often  used  for  other  products
         The product  is said to be the  com-                                    in food, beverage, and home goods
         pany’s initial offering from its all-PET   such as juices or even still or sparkling   closures, we can bring the benefits to
         caps and closures portfolio.        water.                              a range of products – benefits like im-
         The cap is said to be lightweight and    “Because of the ubiquity of bottles us-  proving recycling, extending  product
         compatible  with  the  PCO 1881  neck   ing  the  PCO  1881  finish,  it’s  an  area  shelf life, using less plastic through
         finish.                             where our 100% PET cap can make a  lightweighting, decreasing manufac-
                                             tremendous  difference  by improving  turing waste  during the bottling pro-
         This new offering is claimed to be the  recycling circularity and product per-  cess, and expanding the use of recy-
         first  commercially  produced  product  formance in a massive market.”  cled material.”
         using 100% PET and can be manufac-
         tured with either virgin or recycled PET   The cap’s design includes a user-     Source – Packaging Gateway
         (rPET).                             friendly tamper-evident feature.
                                             Origin plans to commence production

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