Page 72 - Plastics News May 2024
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          Injection molders can boost confidence  used to prepare, inject, and pressur-  time. Wasted resin. Inconsistent qual-
          and trust from their OEM customer by  ize a shot. At Freudenberg  Medical,  ity later. Little documentation that will
          adopting the proactive mindset of a re-  we  provide  operators  with  specific  aid future setups.
          searcher (why) rather than the reactive  instructions during the NPI phase on
          mindset of an operator (how).      which variables to change,  in what  Beware the speed trap.
                                             order, and how much. This process   Quite often, companies set up their
          Focus  on  the  process  of  making  was created based on 40 years of ex-  machines to run at maximum pressure
          consistent components.             perience with medical device precision   and/or  flow  limits.  However,  usually
                                             injection molding and focuses on the
          Plastic is a life-changing and transfor-                               when settings are “dialed in” at or near
          mational material, although it can be   process parameters             maximum levels, problems occur shot
          finicky. You might assume that a hop-  No matter how small or large the medi-  to shot, during the next  shift, or are
          per of pellets is as chemically consist-  cal device injection molding project we  even discovered the next day.
          ent as salt. That's unfortunately not the  are starting, we have rules for each of   We recommend a focus on flow con-
          case.  Resins coming from the same  these process parameters that cannot   trol so high quality, repeatability, cavity
          supplier and  same  location can  vary  be compromised.                balance, and a consistent flow path can
          by batch, and even within a batch. This                                be maintained during the first 95% of
          is why molders who operate on a “set  Medical device injection molding   filling, and for a consistent pack chan-
          it  and  forget  it” principle using nar- fill studies done the right way.  nel  during the  last  5%  and  beyond.
          row processing parameters eventually   Raw materials may  vary  by batch,  While some people focus on applying
          get a nasty surprise with components   but  thermoplastic  polymers  are quite  a specific pressure, we emphasize ve-
          that are not consistent. After that their   predictable in that there are only four  locity and observe thermoplastic pres-
          hands are tied on how to properly re-  “levers” you can pull to manipulate its  sure. Ultimately you want to be meas-
          store the parts.                   final  form  —  temperature,  pressure,  uring the output not the settings of the
          In the absence of a robust process,  flow rate, and cooling rate/time. Most  machine!
          molders  also  tend  to  spend  a  lot of  molders use melt flow index (MFI) or
          time  up  front  fidgeting  with  settings  do a rheological study to evaluate how  One thing at a time…
          and running test  cycles instead of  the plastic will flow and perform during   One  of the  most  critical mistakes
          stepping back and refining their setup  injection, but the results tend to have   molders make is adjusting more than
          and test  procedures.  Again, this in-  little correlation with part quality.  one variable or phase at a time. When
          evitably  leads  to more  scrap + more   In  my 40+ years  working in medical  producing full parts, many param-
          downtime = higher costs and missed   device  injection molding, I have  ob-  eters can be changed to try and “fix”
          commitments.                       served  that  far  too  many  operators  a problem, but it is almost impossible
                                             spend  days,  weeks,  or even  months  to  know  how an adjustment  affected
          Define  the  rules  and  stay  within   doing these initial tests. They make an  the process if you change two things
          the guardrails.                    adjustment, start a machine cycle, take  at the same time! Isolating the variable

          The key to improving part consistency  samples, walk away, wait for QC feed-  in check is key.
          is to refine and narrow the parameters  back, and make more changes. Wasted

                                             Injection screw cushion should be minimal to
         Pressure should be adjusted to properly pack   reduce  the  amount  of  variable  material  being
         the part, not to fix flash, sticking, or sinks. Im-  pushed  through.  Image  courtesy  of  RJG  Inc.
         age courtesy of RJG Inc. via Freudenberg Medi-  via Freudenberg Medical.

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