Page 73 - Plastics News May 2024
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         Speed should be set to create the best  validation and mostly focus on adjust-  munication. A dedication to process
         quality, not satisfy an inverse rheologi-  ments to pack and hold pressure.  must be supported from the top down.
         cal curve. Image courtesy of RJG Inc.                                   If management creates  a set of best
         via Freudenberg Medical.            Five  common  problems  that  can  practices, but also encourages the
         We have found that by adopting this   be minimized through better pro-  floor to do whatever it takes to produce
         approach, it only takes about five cy-  cess.                           a good part, operators will quickly skip
         cles to correct metering, three to five  Shot-to-shot inconsistency caused by   process  and revert  to a “tinkering”
         cycles  to  correct  pressure,  and  five  a bad metering phase.        mindset.
         to 10 cycles to correct the cushion                                     It is important, however, that the pro-
         in front of the injection screw. Fixing   Dimensional changes due to variable   cedures  be  revisited frequently. They
         short shots should only take three to   viscosity or pressure losses.   are not a “set it and forget it” exercise.
         five cycles…if you are focused!     Variable weld lines because  the ma-  Communication  must  flow  freely  be-
                                             chine is running full tilt.         tween management, floor supervisors
         Adjust.  Measure.  Refine.  Repeat.  Re-
         member: Only change one variable at a  Excess flash due to too much pressure   and operators. Ongoing operator train-
         time and document the results, not the  in the parts.                   ing is absolutely critical and proce-
         machine settings!                                                       dures need to be revisited on a regular
                                             Shorts caused by a lack of pressure in  basis  to  ensure  they  reflect  current
         Once the process is optimized, it can  the parts.                       best practices. It’s the best way to tru-
         be validated. The ultimate goal is to                                   ly create a culture of consistent quality
         adjust other variables — fill time, melt  Creating a culture of consistency.  through a stable process.
         temperature, hold time, mold tempera-  A good process is nothing but words
         ture, cooling time — very little during   on paper without teamwork and com-          Source – Plastic Today

          The Troubleshooter: Setting Up Your Injection Molding Process


          Paying close attention to key setpoints in barrel and mold temperature, pressure, time, and cooling will help
          eliminate defects and scrap.

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