Page 42 - Plastics News September 2023
P. 42


          Sustainability & quality in packaging: insights from a global survey

                                                                                 terials  should align  with  quality  and
                                                                                 safety requirements, as deviating from
                                                                                 effective materials might inadvertent-
                                                                                 ly lead to increased food waste, con-
                                                                                 tradicting waste reduction objectives.
                                                                                 Recyclability and waste reduction on
                                                                                 the radar
                                                                                 The research also unveiled that pack-
                                                                                 aging professionals  in the food  and
                                                                                 beverage sector are actively investing
                                                                                 in recyclability (60%)  and waste re-
                                                                                 duction (59%).

                                                                                 Notably, 37% of respondents are ex-
                                                                                 ploring manufacturing  processes like
                                                                                 “lightweighting” to bolster waste re-
                                                                                 duction across the supply chain.
                                                                                 Lightweighting  for  efficient  resource
           ndustrial  Physics,  a US-based pro-  cated to supporting sustainability initi-  Lightweighting,  which  reduces  the
          Ivider  of packaging,  product,  and  atives through their packaging efforts.  amount of material needed for metal
          material testing, has unveiled insights   Toby Lane, Product and Applications   packaging while maintaining durability,
          into how professionals in the food   Manager at Industrial Physics, noted:   is a method gaining traction. Today,
          packaging industry are responding to   “Sustainability continues to drive ma-  cans can be  produced with  a mere
          the growing demand for sustainability   terial developments  including plastic   0.097mm wall thickness, akin to a hu-
          and consumer preference through in-  eradication from brands across the   man hair.
          novative strategies for material selec-  world. However, we must look at the
          tion and production processes.     broader picture in terms of material   This not only reduces  production
                                                                                 costs but also enhances resource ef-
          Key  drivers  of packaging innova-  transportation weight, production en-  ficiency.
          tion identified                    ergy, testing capability, food safety ap-
          These drivers include:             proval, and other related challenges.”  Lane underscored the importance of
                                                                                 maintaining durability and quality dur-
          Quality assurance: A significant 69%   Investment  in new materials amid   ing  the  lightweighting  process,  high-
          of respondents highlighted the para-  cost challenges                  lighting the need to adhere to strin-
          mount importance of maintaining the  Despite  60%  of respondents  grap-  gent regulations, including food-grade
          quality of packaging.              pling  with  rising  material  costs,  the   coatings, seam closures, and tamper-
          Product safety: Ensuring the safety   survey found a strong inclination to-  evident features.
          and quality of the products contained   wards investing in new material devel-  Testing challenges in material and pro-
          within the package was a key concern,   opment.                        cess development
          with 63% of respondents emphasis-  Notably, 43% of professionals re-   Despite a strong overall inclination
          ing this aspect.                   main committed to reducing plastic   (96%) towards embracing new pack-
          Consumer-friendly  design:  Approxi-  usage, with biodegradable materials   aging developments, food and bever-
          mately  56% of professionals ex-   (58%) and organic alternatives (51%)   age professionals encounter challeng-
          pressed the need for packaging to be   emerging  as the most promising av-  es in testing new packaging types. Key
          user-friendly.                     enues  for exploring  new packaging   obstacles include:
          Sustainability support: Nearly half, or   mediums.                     High  expertise costs:  A substantial
          50%, of those surveyed  were  dedi-  Lane explained that the choice of ma-  63%  of respondents  cited  the  high

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