Page 44 - Plastics News September 2023
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          by requiring material to produce the  are exciting  trends and innovations   have opened up new possibilities
          same amount of packaging compared  happening in this field currently:      for customizing packaging allow-
          to alternative materials. Lastly, flexible      Advanced Coatings: One of  the   ing brands to design visually ap-
          packaging  paper  is  beneficial  for  the   developments  in  the  flexible   pealing  and distinctive  patterns
          environment as it can be recycled and   packaging  paper sector  is the    on flexible packaging materials.
          is biodegradable.                      adoption of innovative  coatings,    Smart Packaging: Smart features
          In addition to these advantages flex-  including liquids and perishables.   like QR codes and NFC tags are
          ible  packaging  paper offers levels  of   These coatings play a role, in en-  being integrated to enhance con-
          customization. It can be printed with   hancing packaging performance      sumer  engagement  and provide
          top notch graphics and designs mak-    by boosting its resistance  to      product information. According
          ing it an excellent choice for branding   moisture and other environmen-   to reports about 58% of people
          and marketing purposes. Its flexibility   tal elements. Moreover, they also   have scanned QR codes on food
          enables it to adapt to shapes and sizes   contribute  to printing  surfaces   products to obtain specific details
          effectively  making it suitable, for a   resulting  in  visually  appealing   about the product.
          wide range of products.                graphics  and improved branding   To engage consumers effectively in-
          Applications of flexible packaging     for various products.           corporating QR codes and other
          paper                                 Development of  new materials:  interactive  elements  can provide in-
          Flexible packaging paper is a versa-   Manufacturers are  continuously  formation on aspects such as product
          tile material that finds its use in vari-  seeking methods to enhance the  origins, sustainability and instructions,
          ous applications, including from food   sustainability and eco friendliness  for proper disposal.
          packaging and medical supplies.        of their packaging materials. As a   Market opportunities in flexible pack-
          Flexible packaging paper is widely uti-  result, they have made progress   aging paper
          lized in the food industry to package   in creating materials, like biode-  The market for packaging paper of-
          items like snacks, bakery products     gradable films and laminates de-  fers  many  opportunities  for growth
          and frozen foods. Its lightweight na-  rived from renewable resources.  and innovation. One area with poten-
          ture                               These  innovative  materials  not con-  tial is the increasing demand for sus-
          facilitates transportation while its   tribute  to reducing environmental   tainable packaging solutions.
          barrier properties play a vital role in   harm but also deliver enhanced func-  Consumers are becoming more aware
          preserving the freshness of food and   tionality and durability when com-  of their  impact making  it  important
          preventing contamination. Similarly, in   pared to conventional packaging op-  for companies to provide eco-friendly
          the sector flexible packaging paper is   tions.                        options if they want to thrive. Anoth-
          employed to package bandages, surgi-     E-commerce  and Convenience   er opportunity arises from the rise of
          cal instruments and medical devices.   Packaging:  The  surge  in  online   e commerce  where there  is a need
          Its ability to ensure sterility and pro-  shopping has created a need for   for lightweight packaging as goods are
          tect against moisture and other impu-  packaging that is both conveni-  shipped directly to consumers.
          rities is crucial for maintaining safety.  ent and lightweight making flex-  To support these arguments, industry
          Moreover,  the consumer  goods in-     ible packaging paper an excellent   reports and case studies can offer in-
          dustry also relies on packaging paper   choice.                        sights.  For instance, a recent report
          for products such as cosmetics, toilet-     With  forecasts  predicting  that   by Research Nester predicts that the
          ries and pet food.  Its cost effective-  20.1% of transactions will occur   global flexible packaging paper market
          ness and eco friendliness make it an   online by 2023 it comes as no   will reach a revenue of USD 60 Billion
          appealing choice, for companies aim-   surprise that  e-commerce  sales   by 2033 growing at a rate of 5% be-
          ing to reduce their impact.            are projected to experience sig-  tween 2023 and 2033. Furthermore,
          Current trends in flexible packag-     nificant  growth  as  well  with  an   in 2022 this market generated  USD
          ing paper                              anticipated increase  of 11%, in   45 Billion in revenue.
                                                 the same year.
          Flexible packaging paper is constantly                                 Companies such, as Amazon have
          evolving due to advancements. There      Digital Printing:  Digital printing   also been exploring packaging ma-

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