Page 43 - Plastics News September 2023
P. 43


          cost of expertise as a barrier.    ongoing relevance of testing equip-  prove valuable to gather a wider sam-
          Limited testing facilities: About half   ment and methods. “Despite per-  ple more quickly.
          (50%) noted limited access to testing   ceptions,  the  testing  equipment  and   “Also, the equipment available today
          facilities.                        methods are still as applicable today.   is often so automated that profession-
          Lack of In-house expertise: A further   There  are  instances,  for example  in   als do not need to have a highly spe-
          44% lamented the absence of in-    the case of recycled polymers where   cialised  knowledge  base to conduct
          house expertise.                   materials will behave differently and a   the testing required,” he added.
                                             new bank of data will need to be built,
          Lane  concluded  by  highlighting  the   however, industry  collaboration can

          The evolution of flexible packaging paper in a changing world

                                                                                 because  of its  exceptional  ability  to
                                                                                 prevent  moisture  penetration. It is
                                                                                 commonly employed in fields includ-
                                                                                 ing food packaging, medical packaging
                                                                                 and consumer goods packaging.
                                                                                 In contrast,  polypropylene is re-
                                                                                 nowned for its tensile  strength  and
                                                                                 durability.  It  finds  its  applications  in
                                                                                 heavy duty packaging scenarios such
                                                                                 as packaging and shipping sacks.
                                                                                 Polyester  on the hand offers versa-
                                                                                 tility  as  a  type  of  flexible  packaging
                                                                                 paper with attributes like high clar-
                                                                                 ity, dimensional stability and excellent
                                                                                 printability. Its usage spans, across do-
                                                                                 mains including snack packaging, pet
                                                                                 food packaging  and pharmaceutical
           n today’s paced society, the role of  consumers are willing to pay more for  Advantages  of  flexible  packaging
          Ipackaging is extremely  important  products that’re sustainable. So let’s  paper
          in preserving and delivering products  explore the evolving world of flexible   Flexible packaging paper offers sever-
          while also minimizing harm to the en-  packaging paper including its current   al benefits compared to conventional
          vironment.                         trends and potential, for growth.   packaging  materials.  One  significant
          As both consumers and manufactur-  What  is  flexible  packaging  paper  advantage is its capacity to safeguard
          ers become more environmentally  and its types?                        products from elements  like mois-
          conscious, there is a growing demand   Flexible packaging paper is a material   ture, light  and air. Consequently, it
          for packaging solutions that are sus-  that  offers  both  efficiency  and  cost   becomes an option for preserving
          tainable. One interesting response to   effectiveness when it comes to pack-  product freshness  and preventing
          this demand is packaging paper, which   aging products. It is crafted using ma-  contamination.
          is a versatile material that can be eas-  terials such as polyethylene, polypro-  Firstly, the lightweight nature of pack-
          ily moulded and shaped to fit various   pylene and polyester. The adaptability  aging paper makes it convenient to
          products.                          of this material enables its use, in ap-  transport and store. This not helps
          This makes it an excellent choice for  plications spanning from food packag-  in reducing shipping costs but also
          manufacturers who want to create  ing to medical packaging.            makes  it  more manageable  for con-
          visually appealing packaging designs.   Polyethylene  is a used and favoured   sumers to handle the products.
          Recent statistics indicate that 75% of   material  for  flexible  packaging  paper  Secondly, it offers cost effectiveness

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          September 2023                                                                         PLASTICS NEWS
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