Page 27 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 27


          36 roads become litter-free in Tiruchi as Corpo-

          ration intensifies its sensitisation drive on waste


                                                                mercial trucks and fifteen battery-operated ve-
                                                                hicles. Additional workers conduct nightly road
                                                                sweeping to remove silt accumulation, and sign-
                                                                boards mark the litter-free zones to discourage

                                                                A view of Nelson Road in Srirangam that has
                                                                been converted into a litter-free corridor.

                                                                Commercial outlets along these roads are obli-
                 iruchi Corporation has expanded the            gated to maintain trash cans as part of the initia-
                 litter-free corridor initiative, covering      tive, and beautification projects include putting
          Taround 36 roads in all five zones in the             in beautiful plants and saplings beside the high-
          city to promote effective solid waste manage-         ways and medians.
          ment practices. This initiative, launched in July
          2024, aims to prevent improper waste disposal         The public is being educated on proper waste
          and promote solid waste management practic-           segregation  and  disposal  methods  to  support
          es.  In order to collect garbage from homes and       the solid waste management system. The Cor-
          businesses, the Corporation has sent out a team       poration wants to take the idea a step further
          of  sixteen  sanitation  personnel,  increased  the   by finding more roadways and keeping up its ef-
          frequency of waste collection from once a day         forts to rid Tiruchi of all trash.
          to four times a day, and hired three light com-                                         Source:- The Hindu

          CSIRO and Murdoch University launch Bioplas-

          tics Innovation Hub to end plastic waste

                 SIRO, Australia's national science agency,     cally derived plastics that fully degrade in com-
                 and Murdoch University have launched           post, land, or water. The Hub brings together
          CThe Bioplastics Innovation Hub, an $8 mil-           expertise in microbiology, synthetic biology, and
          lion collaboration focused on developing 100%         advanced manufacturing to translate bioplastics
          compostable plastic. This initiative aims to ad-      research into real-world applications, such as
          dress global plastic pollution by creating biologi-   packaging materials like bottles, caps, and films.

                                                                                             PLASTICS NEWSASTICS NEWS
             September 2024
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