Page 31 - Plastics News September 2024
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          company’s next contract renewal, starting Janu-       2.  Increased Packaging Waste Declarations:
          ary 1, 2024. For businesses selling in France,            While registration costs may decrease, sell-
          this means several important adjustments. Sell-           ers could face higher packaging waste dec-
          ers are now required to register their packag-            larations, as printed paper products will now
          ing under the EPR framework, and, where rel-              be counted within packaging waste reports.
          evant, register for categories such as batteries          This change may increase the volume of
          and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment             waste reported under the Packaging Law,
          (WEEE). The combination of categories aims to             leading to higher compliance costs for waste
          simplify compliance while ensuring adherence to           management.  These  changes  underscore
          France's rigorous sustainability goals.                   France's commitment to simplifying its EPR
                                                                    framework while maintaining strict environ-
          Key Impacts for Sellers:                                  mental oversight. Sellers must stay informed

                                                                    and prepared to adapt to these evolving
          1.  Reduced Registration Costs: The merger of
             printed paper products into the packaging              regulations as the 2025 deadline approach-
             category  is expected  to  lower  registration         es.
             fees for sellers, as they will no longer need                                        Source:- Pincvision
             to obtain separate EPR numbers for non-
             book paper products.

          Nestlé Introduces 90% Plastic Reduction with

          New Paper-Based Packaging Innovations

                  estlé is making significant strides in sus-   include a proprietary coverlid that ensures du-
                  tainable packaging by introducing new         rability and is leak-proof, making them practical
          Npaper-based solutions that drastically               for everyday use. This marks a significant shift in
          reduce plastic usage across several of its prod-      packaging for Vital Proteins, addressing sustain-
          uct lines. These innovations reflect the com-         ability without compromising functionality.
          pany's ongoing  commitment  to environmental
          responsibility and reducing its plastic footprint.    Nestlé has also turned its attention to transform-
          One of the standout developments is the launch        ing its coffee packaging. In the UK, the company
          of new paperboard canisters for its Vital Proteins    has introduced high-barrier paper refill packs for
          brand in the U.S. These canisters have reduced        Nescafé, allowing consumers to refill their glass
          plastic use by an impressive 90% compared to          jars. Comparing this novel packaging method to
          previous packaging. At Nestlé's research and          more conventional plastic alternatives, the pack-
          development facility in Bridgewater, innovative       age weight is reduced by 97%. The paper pack-
          Jersey, this innovative design  was created  in       aging is recyclable in local paper waste streams,
          conjunction with outside partners.  The canisters     which is significant since it supports Nestlé's

                                                                                             PLASTICS NEWSASTICS NEWS
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