Page 29 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 29


          J&K Sets Ambitious Waste Segregation Goal: On

          Track for 100% by 2025

                 he Jammu & Kashmir administration has          Currently, segregation rates vary, with some re-
                 set a bold target to achieve 100% waste        gions reporting up to 82% success. Extensive
          Tsegregation across all its Urban Local               public awareness campaigns are underway,
          Bodies (ULBs) by December 2025. This ambi-            focusing on Information, Education, and Com-
          tious goal, outlined in its recent six-monthly        munication (IEC) activities to increase commu-
          report to the National Green Tribunal (NGT),          nity involvement. By mobilizing citizens through
          reflects the Union Territory’s commitment to ef-      door-to-door visits and campaigns, the adminis-
          fective waste management under the Municipal          tration hopes to bridge the gap and achieve full
          Solid Waste (MSW) Management Rules of 2016.           segregation.

          With 78 ULBs, including two major municipal           A significant milestone is the remediation of 3.91
          corporations, J&K generates  over 1,632 metric        lakh metric tonnes of legacy waste, with an ad-
          tonnes of waste daily. A decentralized waste          ditional 17.58 lakh metric tonnes targeted under
          management model is in place, focusing on             the Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0.
          source segregation, door-to-door collection,
          and designated waste disposal sites. In smaller       As J&K continues to expand its waste manage-
          ULBs, the emphasis is on pit composting and Ma-       ment infrastructure, including modern waste
          terial Recovery Facilities (MRFs) to manage dry       processing equipment and the deployment of
          waste. Larger towns like Jammu and Srinagar           new collection vehicles, the UT is on course to
          are seeing the development of integrated waste        make remarkable progress toward achieving its
          management facilities, including a 210-tonne bio-     2025 targets, ensuring a cleaner and greener fu-
          methanation  plant  in  Jammu  and  underground       ture for its residents.
          waste collection bins in Srinagar.                                                   Source:- The Newsnow

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