Page 30 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 30


          India emerges as the largest plastic polluter


                                                                2.8 million tons. Nearly two-thirds of global plas-
                                                                tic pollution stems from uncollected and poorly
                                                                disposed waste, with 15% of the world lacking
                                                                access to adequate waste collection services.

                                                                India’s waste management system remains a crit-
                                                                ical issue, with improper waste collection lead-
                                                                ing to an overwhelming accumulation of plastic
                                                                waste that infiltrates every part of the environ-
                                                                ment, from deep ocean trenches to the human
          A                                                     body. The study highlighted the global scale of
                  new  study  by  the  University  of  Leeds,
                                                                the problem, comparing the annual global plastic
                  published in the journal Nature, has re-
                  vealed India as the largest contributor
                                                                Park and stacking it as high as 157 Empire State
          to global plastic pollution, producing a stag-        waste output to filling  New York City’s Central
          gering 9.3 million tons of plastic waste annually.    Buildings.  Without proper intervention, India's
          India now tops the worldwide ranking, overtak-        plastic waste crisis threatens to worsen, causing
          ing populous nations like China, Nigeria, and         greater environmental damage and health risks,
          Indonesia. India urgently needs to upgrade its        while other nations, such as China, demonstrate
          infrastructure for garbage collection and man-        that significant progress is possible with target-
          agement, as evidenced by China's significant          ed efforts.
          advancement in waste management, which has                                         Source:- HindustanTimes
          resulted in a reduction in plastic waste output to

          France's 2025 EPR Reform: A New Era for Packag-

          ing Compliance

                rance is set to introduce significant chang-    France has maintained one of the most compre-
                es to its Extended Producer Responsibil-        hensive EPR systems globally, encompassing 12
          Fity (EPR) regulations,  with  new compli-            sectors, including packaging, electrical equip-
          ance  requirements  starting  from  2024.  These      ment, batteries,  textiles,  and more.  Under  the
          revisions are aimed at streamlining processes,        new law, paper products (excluding books) will
          particularly by merging the EPR for printed pa-       no longer require separate EPR registration, as
          per products into the packaging category, as          they will now fall under the packaging catego-
          mandated by Decree No. 2023-305. Historically,        ry. This change is set to take effect with each

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