Page 32 - Plastics News September 2024
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overall sustainability objectives. sustainability-focused efforts required to ensure
that these packaging solutions preserve product
Additionally, Nestlé has rolled out a fully recycla- freshness and quality.
ble paper-body can for its Nescafé Cappuccino
range across Europe. This marks a significant The company aims to ensure that 95% of its
milestone in the company's efforts to move away plastic packaging is recyclable by 2025. Further-
from plastic and toward more environmentally more, it has set a goal to reduce the use of virgin
friendly materials. Gerhard Niederreiter, Head of plastic by one third, aligning with global efforts
Nestlé’s Institute of Packaging Sciences, empha- to minimize plastic waste and promote a circular
sized that developing paper-based packaging economy. These initiatives reflect the company’s
is not a simple task. Each product’s sensitivity leadership in the transition to more eco-friendly
to external elements such as oxygen, tempera- packaging and its dedication to reducing its en-
ture, and moisture must be considered in order vironmental impact.
to maintain quality. Coffee, in particular, is highly Source:- ESG Solution
sensitive to oxygen and humidity, making pack-
aging innovations in this category more complex.
Axel Touzet, Head of the Coffee Business Unit at
Nestlé, highlighted the additional scientific and
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September 2024