Page 37 - Plastics News September 2024
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          RecommerceX, a chemical recycling and sus-            geographies, including theUAE and the USA,
          tainability startup, has raised $3.6 million in seed   over the next year,” said Goel.The Noida-based
          funding round led by venture capital firm Ac-         startup targets medium to large manufacturing
          cel and Kae Capital. The funds will be used for       companies and engineering, procurement, and-
          expanding the team, developing its technology         construction (EPC) firms as its primary custom-
          platform, investing in R&D for advanced mate-         ers.The company is currently processing around
          rial recovery, and scaling business operations in     1,000 tonnes of waste per month. “In a year,
          India and other international markets. According      we will be doing almost 10xfrom here. We tar-
          to founder and chief executive Shobhit Goel, this     get to do around 10,000 metric tonnes in terms
          space is highly unorganised, with no major play-      of volume per month, which would make us a
          ers managing these categories.                        Rs 300-400 crore company,” he said.Comment-
                                                                ing on the investment, Prayank Swaroop, part-
          "We are building a brand in this space, aiming to     ner at Accel, said, “Driven by factors like rising
          be the go-to entity that can procure waste, seg-      consumer eco-consciousness and the need to
          regate  it, recover valuablecomponents  chemi-        reduce industrial dependency on raw materi-
          cally, and supply the recycled output for use as      als, supply chain decarbonisation,traceability,
          raw materials,” Goel told ET in an interaction.       and innovation have become top priorities for
          Founded in 2024 by Shobhit Goel, Mohit Gulyani,       businesses.”“Their  innovative  technology  and
          and Ajay Gupta, the startup focuses on process-       commitment to transparency are set to revolu-
          ing industrial waste toextract valuable materials     tionise how industries approach wasterecovery,
          and by-products that can be used as raw mate-         making RecommerceX a critical player in the
          rials by its customers. It operates in multiplecat-   global shift towards more responsible resource
          egories, including plastics, metals, and electronic   management,” saidAbhishek Srivastava, general
          waste.                                                partner at Kae Capital.

          “We started with India because our head office                                 Source – The Economic Times
          is here, but we will definitely expand to other

          PET bottle-to-bottle recycling to mitigate

          effects of climate change

                 he Indian PET recycler Ganesha Ecopet          by 2026.
                 ramps up its PET bottle-to-bottle recy-
          Tcling capacities with two Starlinger recy-           The two new Starlinger recoSTAR PET 165 HC
          cling lines to a total of 42,000 tons per year.       iV+ recycling lines are set up at the recycling
                                                                facility of Ganesha Ecopet Private Ltd. in Wa-
          It aims to recycle 25% of India’s PET bottle waste    rangal, Telangana State. The company, a sub-

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