Page 55 - Plastics News September 2024
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omy and support for companies adapting to this Social impact
production model generated an impact of 317
million euros. AIMPLAS’ impact on the industrial community is
also materialised in the benefits received by its
Strategic and sustainability plan member companies. A total of 840 companies
benefited in 2023 from discounts on services,
Income and results obtained last year increased projects, training and conferences, as well as
by 11%. To maintain this sustained sustainable some free services such as consultations on leg-
growth, AIMPLAS is working on a strategic plan islation, which saved them more than 820,000
until 2030 with input from all its stakeholders euros.
that will allow it to follow the same path.
On a social level, AIMPLAS is still committed to
In conjunction with this growth and to continue attracting talent, defending equality and pro-
responding to growing demand from companies tecting the health of its workforce, although it
seeking innovative solutions that support the cir- also carries out many different social actions
cular economy, a new building was constructed and promotes volunteering among its staff.
in 2023 to house pilot plant facilities and labo-
ratories for 3D printing, mechanochemistry and For example, last year, it continued to work on
the synthesis of polymers and additives. its IV Equality Plan. During the Plan’s first year,
49 people joined the company, 24 of whom
Last year, AIMPLAS also worked on the devel- were women, which represented 49% of new
opment of a sustainability master plan based on recruits. There is currently no gender pay gap
the three ESG pillars (environmental, social and at AIMPLAS. In addition, the Diversity Founda-
governance issues), which is aligned with the tion recognised AIMPLAS for its contribution and
SDGs and criteria that enabled the Centre to be commitment to gender equality, and cultural and
registered as a Socially Responsible Valencian generational diversity. Moreover, for the second
time, the Centre was listed as a Great Place to
In keeping with environmental sustainability, the Work in Spain in the 101-250 employee category.
report highlights another milestone: receipt of Finally, it is worth highlighting the strong social
the “Calculo y Reduzco” (Calculate and Reduce) commitment that AIMPLAS has with several of
seal from the Ministry of Ecological Transition the foundations and organisations with which it
and Demographic Challenge (MITECO). AIMP- works for the welfare of people and the environ-
LAS’ goal by 2025 is to reduce CO2 emissions ment. For example, in 2023, it collaborated with
by 20% compared to 2022. Since 2020, the Cen- the NGO Oceánidas and its Network of Coast
tre’s carbon footprint was reduced by 96%: from Guards initiative through a volunteering action
384 tonnes of CO2 in 2020 to around 14 tonnes on 4 June that allowed AIMPLAS staff and family
in 2023. A 74% reduction was recorded in 2023.
members to help clean seabeds and beaches. A
Another notable 2023 milestone was AIMP- total of 4,804 kg of marine litter was collected
LAS’ revalidation of its EFQM 500+ certification, through the initiative in all of Spain.
which guarantees its excellence in management. Source – interplas insights
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September 2024