Page 56 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 56


          Optical Sorting for Color Flexibility in Recycled


                  aron Industries, a compounder of recy-        customers and some applications, that’s not a
                  cled materials including recycled PS, PP      problem. But for many consumer goods, color is
          Aand PE from postindustrial and postcon-              very important. Color can set a brand apart and
          sumer sources, was able to enhance its flexibility    add shelf appeal, influencing buying decisions.
          and product offerings by implementing an opti-        Therefore a supplier of recycled compounds can
          cal sorter.                                           extract more value from a given material stream
                                                                by improving color management.
          Aaron serves customers in a wide range of in-
          dustries,  from  housewares  to  agricultural.  The   “Customers have always and will always ask for
          company buys recycled granules from outside           colors — or natural, because they want the flex-
          partners that process plastic waste by grinding,      ibility of coloring it whatever they want,” says
          elutriation,  sink/float  sorting and  wash.   Aaron   Todd Marchand, vice president at Aaron Indus-
          pre-blends different regrinds using a proprietary     tries.
          process to hit the customer’s desired mechani-
          cal or aesthetic properties.                          In response to customer needs, Aaron Industries
                                                                purchased and implemented an optical sorting
          Recycled materials are often a blend of different     machine last year. The new equipment uses a
          colors that end up as a black or gray. For some       color camera and LED lighting to separate gran-

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