Page 84 - Plastics News September 2024
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          Innovative Applications of New Plastics               Sustainable  and  advanced  materials  as a  class
                                                                often carry a higher unit cost when compared
                                                                to  utilizing  traditional  plastics  and  therefore
                                                                are not adopted on a broad level immediately.
                                                                Moreover, it is necessary to reach consensus on
                                                                improving the microstructure and mechanics of
                                                                new materials to facilitate the universalization of
                                                                these new materials and to establish appropriate
                                                                standards and laws for their application. In the
                                                                future, it is cordially advised that more studies
                                                                and partnerships between producers, academic
                                                                communities, and policymakers will be required
                                                                for overcoming these hurdles and achieving the
                                                                maximum benefits brought up by Plastics Tech-
                                                                nology 2. 0.

          The newer generation of plastics is bringing out
          new opportunity front for several industries. For     For scientist working on materials science, 0
          instance, healthcare is a sector that has received    symbolized a giant step forward. While the tra-
          the effects of biocompatible and biodegradable        ditional image of plastics has been associated
          plastics use in the manufacture of medical facili-    with pollution and causes adverse effects on the
          ties and drugs. These materials provide better        environment, the need to create and develop
          opportunity for the patient and at the same time      new generation, sustainable, high performance
          provide low environment effect. In packaging,         and innovative plastics present great opportuni-
          improved barrier new plastics are being used          ties to solve some of the society’s current en-
          to enhance the shelf life of foods, draw out the      vironmental challenges as well as create better
          shelf life of foods to reduce food losses hence       and diverse opportunities for the industry. As the
          food insecurity in the society.                       technology of these advanced materials remain
                                                                to improve they have attracted a broad applica-
          Challenges and Future Directions                      tion in the development the future efficiency and
          Nonetheless, there are still issues that need to be
          solved in the content of Plastics Technology 2.0.                              Source – Plastics Technology

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