Page 80 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 80


          Challenges in Plastic Packaging: Balancing Sus-

          tainability and Functionality

                                                                ment as litter. Despite this, this waste is some-
                                                                thing that presents a great danger to sea life,
                                                                the environment and the human beings.

                                                                The dilemma thus comes in trying to create
                                                                packaging made from the material but with as
                                                                little impact on the environment as possible.

            n terms of use, the general public has in fact
            become very conversant with the use of plas-
          Itic packaging. Be it the food or the things we
          consume we are surrounded by plastic pack-
          aging and the reasons are quite evident; con-         Solution: The industry is for example looking for
          venience, protection and cost effectiveness.          substitutes like bio-degradable plastics which
          However, the escalating rate of environmental         take a shorter time to decompose in the envi-
          consciousness all over the globe has posed an-        ronment. Further, more recycling rates should
          other issue; how can the packaging ‘be’ sustain-      be achieved and efficient ways of recycling
          able and practical for application? In this article,   should be developed in order to minimize use
          some of the problems that has befallen the in-        of plastics.
          dustry and probably the ways through which it
          can avoid them has been highlighted.                  2. Sustainability vs. Performance
                                                                Some of the reasons why plastic packaging
          1. Environmental Impact of Plastic Waste
                                                                is preferred is due to the fact that it is strong,
          It goes without saying that one of the most sig-      flexible, and the fact that it keeps products iso-
          nificant, albeit well-known concerns regarding        lated  from other  products.  But those  qualities
          plastic packaging is environmental. The material      are also the reason why we struggle to achieve
          called plastics take more than 500 years to de-       similar performance levels when using more en-
          grade and meanwhile accumulate in the environ-        vironmentally  friendly materials.  For instance,

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