Page 79 - Plastics News September 2024
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of recycling together with support measures to-
wards the materials that can replace the plastic
is a possible approach towards improvements.
National laws and interstate cooperation can
also contribute towards the development of in-
ternational guidelines and promote the interna-
tional cooperation in the fight against the plastic
waste problem.
Therefore, managing the plastic waste is com-
Solution: There is no one way of managing mi-
croplastics and it takes an array of strategies to
manage this problem. There are measures like
limiting the utilization of products that give rise
to microplastic pollution for instance, use of mi-
crobeads in cosmetics. Also, funding research
into technologies to extract microplastic from
water systems and enhancing proper disposal
of wastes will go a long way to containing the
9. Policy and Regulation Gaps
plex due to these issues of bulk, types and com-
Challenge: The absence of coherent non-nego- plexity of the plastics, its impacts on the envi-
tiable policies and laws as well as improper or ronment and the economic considerations. With
scarce legislation in different parts of the world this, several concerted measures can be carried
discredit facilitative plastic waste management. out to address the problem on plastics and their
One challenge that is evident in most organiza- management in the global arena; these include;
tions is that there are no clearly set standards universal initiatives; an investment in infrastruc-
that are implemented throughout the country. tures; and public sensitization. In order to cre-
ate a future with no negative impacts of plastic
Solution: Policy makers should however en- waste, all levels of society, from national to local,
deavor to establish harmonized and all-encom- as well as private and public sectors, must turn
passing policies on plastic waste management. into partners.
Struggling to establish effective measures based Source – Plastics Technology
on the bans on plastics and the encouragement
September 2024
September 2024 PL 79 81